A Day to Remember

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   The day was here, the day that most engines across the island have been waiting for what felt like an endless eternity. May 15th. A wedding that would mark the first on the island, and possibly the rest of the world. Unfortunately, the night before, Maddy requested to sleep someone else, so that the next time they saw each other, it would be at the altar.

"James. James. James." Thomas teased, poking at his cheek. "You need to get up."

   All he got as a response was a grumble and a pillow thrown at him as James rolled to his other side, only to roll off, because the spot was empty. Normally, Maddy's body would be there to stop him from rolling off the edge, but today was not the case with that.

"See, that's what you get for not waking up." he laughed. James heard his other friends giggle as well. "Now c'mon, it's a big, busy day for you and it's not going to move forward with you just sitting here!"

"Five more minutes.."

"No, not five more minutes, James." he heard Gordon say. "As your best man, I request that you pick yourself off the floor. Juliette is expecting you at 10 to help you into your suit. Maddy's an hour later. Chop chop. You know she doesn't want to see you until the altar."


"James, get up. It's your wedding." Edward frowned. "Now's not the time to be grumpy. It's not our fault you fell asleep late. Why on earth were you up so late anyway?"

"Talking to her over the phone.." he grumbled, sitting up and running a hand through his hair. It was a frizzy mess. "I missed speaking to her."

"It was..one night." Thomas laughed. "You've gone soft, James!"

"Bite me, Thomas. You wished you loved Emily this much."

"..I do love her as much as you love her." he pouted. "You're not special."

"Who's the one getting married?"

"James that's not the p-"

"Who's getting married, Thomas? It isn't you."

"That's not-"

"You're losing this conversation." James smugly chuckled. "I'm still better than all of you."

"You know if she heard you say that.." Emily piped in, "She'd whack you in the back of the head."

"She would not. She loves that part about me."

"I'm sure that even she has her limits with you, James." Henry chuckled. "She's even said before, that there are just some things about you she can't fix. That ego is one of them."

"She knows how awesome I am. That's why she said yes."

"Oooh..quit gloating about yourself, put a shirt on, and go." Edward commanded. "I've been looking forward to this for ages. It best be perfect, my little girl better have the biggest smile on her face or I swear to Lady I'm going to personally scrap you with my own two hands."

"You don't have the guts to lay your hands on anyone, Edward." he scoffed, getting himself dressed. "I've known you for years and you've yet to even properly yell at someone. You're a passive engine, a peacekeeper."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that.." the wise blue engine frowned. "This is a big, important day. I wouldn't test what I will and won't do, James." 

"If all else fails.." Henry piped in. "I'll handle you myself, James. Behave. It's your wedding day..! Now isn't the time to be boastful and brash."

"Yeah yeah.." the red man grumbled, brushing his hair. "I know.."

"Don't tell me you're nervous, James." Thomas poked. "You, of all engines?"

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