Mixed Signals

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   Despite moving out in a fit of rage, that tactic didn't seem to change Maddy's mind about insisting on cutting ties with Nate and his family. 

"Why are you so insistent on being friends with her?" Mavis spoke, purring in her berth at Ffarquhar. "I think she's made it pretty clear she wants nothing to do with you. Or me. Or anyone."

"Because, Mav.." the Bagnall groaned. "She's my friend. Was. My friend. I'm not allowing it to fall to pieces because of one engine's stupidity. I won't let her be that heartless."

"Are we talking about the same person?"

"Hope so."

"Nathan, sweetheart. She's made her choice. You gotta respect it. She's not harming anyone. It sucks ass, but what can we do?"

"The problem is that I didn't DO ANYTHING." he snapped. "And neither did you..or...or Wally! I was dead, you were grieving!"

"And that means she has to stay friends with us?"

"I- Well- No, but-"

"Then what's the issue?" Mavis frowned. "I don't like it about as much as you do. Nor does Wally. He misses his aunt, but we can't force her to be our friend."

"It's ridiculous!"

"I-" the diesel sighed. "Fine. You can go ahead and try to convince her to be your friend again, babe. But let it be known I won't help you if she kicks your ass all the way to the Skarloey Railway."

"Thank you, Queen Bee."

"Ah, one more thing." she hummed. "Just a question for you to think about."


"Are you really willing to sacrifice her happiness just so you can have her as a friend?"


   Nathan looked at Mavis, stunned and rather perplexed by what she had said. All she did was plainly look at him, not exactly expecting an answer, but she knew his face told her otherwise. Slowly, however, the Bagnall puffed away to go find the black saddle tank.


   While he couldn't find her, he knew where to ask if he wanted to find out.


"Ough, if it isn't Nathan!" the Scot exclaimed. "What brings ye here?"

"Looking for Mads. You seen her?"

"I have." Donald replied. "But why do you need to see her?"

"I just...want to talk."

"Probably not the best time."


"Due to some mixed up assigning, she got put on a double header with James. She's at the controller's office right now demanding it be fixed. She's not happy. Duck can't even talk any sense into her. So.."

"Pah.." Nate scoffed. "What does Duck know?"

"Clearly how to be a better partner than James. And a better friend."


"Regardless. What makes you think she'd rekindle your friendship anyhow?"

"I moved out of Tidmouth. Rushed and left most of my stuff there, but I moved out. Maybe if I'm not associated with those sheds, I have a shot.."

"And what if that doesn't work?"

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now