Magically Mad

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   Gordon and James had made Emily tell Edward, Henry, Thomas and Percy what they saw in the building. Having not believed her, Thomas swiftly went to go check for himself, only to come back pale in the face and near tears.

"Believe me now, you idiot?" Emily huffed.

"I think I'm gonna be sick-"

"Not here, Thomas!" Henry gasped. "Don't puke on the plants!"

"Settle down!" Edward spoke sternly. "We have a bigger problem at hand. Diesel 10 and Maddy are both missing with no clues on their whereabouts. Something has clearly happened to Diesel 10 and we need to figure out what. I suggest we call it for tonight and just head back to the sheds."

"You think I'm going to be able to sleep after what I just saw?"

"Maddy keeps melatonin in her drawers. It'll knock you out."

"How do you know this, Edward???"

"I've been around long enough to know how human medication works..and where she keeps it."

"You're on a new level of creepy, you old fart."

"Watch it, James." he said, giving the red man a stern look.

"Can we just go home??" Percy whimpered, huddled against Henry for warmth. "It's cold.."

   Sighing, Edward lead the search party back to Tidmouth, where they would all get a well-needed sleep in. 

   All tucked in and cozy, the team fell into a blissful sleep, with Gordon, James, and Thomas doped up on melatonin. All three were out like lights. It wasn't until the middle of the night when Thomas was groggily awoken by an annoying creak from somewhere in the back of the sheds. Sitting up, the number one man rubbed his eyes to try and wake himself up a little. He looked around, not noticing anything out of the ordinary, until his eyes fell on James' bed. There, standing over him was a creepy entity that Thomas couldn't quite put his finger on.


   The being heard Thomas, and snapped their head toward him. It stared him down with blinding yellow eyes. The glow that came from them was intense enough for him to see a face, but the being moved too fast, resulting in the blue-haired fella to scream at the top of his lungs.


   His screams awoke the other engines in the sheds, trying to find out what Thomas was screaming at. It didn't take long for them to all notice the glowing orbs that moved their way across the sheds.

"What IS THAT?" Gordon heaved.

"You told me monsters weren't real, Henry..!" Percy whimpered.

"They're not supposed to be, little engine!"

"I don't mean to be a total party pooper to your horror.." Emily yawned, only halfway scared to death, "But it's staring directly at James."

"Emily you are SO helpful." the man in question spat.

   James seemed to be frozen in fear, not being able to break his line of sight with whatever stood before him.


   As it inched closer, Thomas pat around for a flashlight he kept by his bed. Just when it looked like it would eat James alive, he shined the light directly at the creature, who now had its attention on Thomas.


   Focusing on the creature, Thomas immediately spotted an all too familiar scar peeking out of a puff of hair. There she was. But something had gone horribly wrong, and no one would knew what it was. The concept of Lady's magic wasn't understand by any of them.

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