New Friends and Distrust

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   Maddy was back to her old self in no time. Though, she couldn't work just yet, James, nor anyone else, would let her. Despite having the cast off after a few weeks, everyone thought she would be better off taking it easy. She reluctantly did, as Thomas threatened to toss her on the roof of the sheds while she was sleeping. Maddy didn't want to find out if he'd go through with it, as none of the bigger engines protested against the cheeky tank engine. She just hung out with James, occasionally her other friends too. When she was with Henry, he took her on a route through his favorite part of the island, the forest. The two would chitter and chatter about the plants they saw, admiring it all from afar. Personally, besides her and James' bickering, Henry was her favorite engine to stroll with. When she hung out with Thomas, he was usually reckless, with Annie and Clarabel whining for him to slow down and be careful, if they were with him while she was there. Emily and she usually just gossiped while Emily worked, Edward was just a general calm vibe, perfect for her to relax and nap. The only engines she didn't ride with were Percy, Duck, and Gordon, and for good reason. Gordon usually takes coaches, Percy never stops poking fun about her and James. and Duck..well, she loved Duck dearly, but he never shut up about the Great Western. Currently, though, she was with Edward, who volunteered to introduce Maddy to a couple new engines. She had heard that STH brought along more engines while she was gone, but she's never met them yet.

"I'm sure you'll like them Maddy dearest.." the old engine puffed. "They're quite the pair, bickering at each other almost as much as you and James do!"

"..So a package deal, huh? Hell yeah. Have you told them about me..?"

"Not a word, though I can't say the same for everyone else.."

"I swear if Thomas put in a bad word for me-"

"I'm sure he didn't, dear.." Edward chuckled.

"Oh, well hello there, Edward!" called a voice.

"What brings ye 'round 'ere?" called..another?

   Maddy instantly felt her anxiety rise up, and hid herself from view. Edward could feel her cowering back against him and just chuckled.

"Hello Donald, Douglas!" he peeped. "I've just come to introduce you two to an important member of the railway!"

"Oh? Well, where are they? Behind ye?"

"..Sort of. She's shy."

"Well, no need for that! Come on out, lass!" one of them called. When no engine puffed forward, they were confused.

"..Are ye sure yer friend dinnae didn't puff away?"

"..No, she didn't. She can't."

"Is the lass broken down?"


   Edward sighed, he knew he'd have to take drastic measures. He swapped into his human form just so Maddy could show herself. The only bad thing about that is she fell right on her ass.

"Ow! Edward!"

"Sorry, dear.."

"Oh! 'ell look at that, Dougie!"

"The lass is so tiny..!"

"Hey, fuck you-" she snapped. When she looked up, she saw what seemed to be twin engines, both black and both tender engines. They were Scottish, too.


"Lass has a bite to her."

"I'll say, what's yer name?"


"'ell, pleased to meet ye! I'm Donal', and he's Douglas." one of them smiled.

"Don't do that to the poor lass, Dougie! I'm Donal'!"

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