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   A few nights later, Edward was soundly asleep in his berth, having pleasant dreams of having bonding time with his daughter, this time being a picnic in the middle of a field of flowers. It was short lived, however, as everything suddenly went black, leaving him in the infinite nothingness. Having nothing better to do, he stood up, wandering.

"Now what's going on..?" Old Iron questioned, looking at the abyss that went on forever. 

"Hello..?" a voice called. "Edward..?"

"Oh!" he yelped, turning around to find a faint figment of a gorgeous woman with beautiful blonde hair and a  purple floor length dress that left bright sparkles wherever she stepped. She lit up the endless void.

"Who..are you?"

"I am Lady. I'm sure Maddy's spoken a lot about me." she spoke softly, smiling.

"You..? You're.." he whispered, his eyes nearly falling out of his skull.

"Yes, the same one I know you're thinking about."

"Well...why are you here? In my dreams?"

   Her smile slowly faded, and she waved a staff that she had with her, bringing up something akin to a cinema screen.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news in regards to her that I can't tell her myself. It's too dangerous with Diesel 10 after her and James."

"Bad..news? What's wrong with her?" Edward whimpered.

"The magic that's imbued into her being is slowly manifesting into something she can't control. I have no idea why, but my best theory is it has to do with her being organic, human, if you may."

   With a quick snap of her staff, Lady brought up a simple portrait of Maddy, with sparkling, golden veins placed throughout her body.

"While it technically isn't bringing any chronic illness that will shorten her lifespan, it IS however, stressing out her body's fight or flight response, and ultimately, her mental health. I'm sure you saw what happened.."

"I did. We all did. It was as if she was...a wild animal. She was going to hurt Thomas!"

"Exactly. In order to protect its host, it essentially takes over, doubling her reaction time and strength and completely shutting down her memory, so she doesn't have to remember whatever it does."

"Your magic is like its own being..?"

"No. It's not supposed to be. But because Maddy is sentient to begin with, it does act as another being. Or so I've seen.." Lady hummed, pointing to various parts of Maddy as she chattered. "It protects her in times of high stress, or as I've now learned, when she gets angry."

"But what's so bad about it..?"

"She needs to learn to harness it. Otherwise it will start affecting her physical health." she spoke, tapping the screen.

   Edward could only watch in horror as the diagram began to bleed, tearing apart his daughter from the inside out.


"The magic might overload her body and send it into total organ failure. After that, I don't know what will happen to it. Because it won't happen." she said, turning off the screen to face Edward again.

"It won't..?"

"No. So long as you all work together to help her harness it. So long as she can control it, use it for her benefit to the railway, she'll be fine. But be warned. If she ends up in that state of mania again, you need to run. She's not herself and she will bring harm to you."

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now