Galloping Sausage

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"No, Gordon, I'm harassing what came along with the new engine." James said in a rather sarcastic tone. "You would too, come look at this!"

"James no-" Maddy didn't have a chance to protest, as the rather large engine puffed forward. He was the same color as Edward, but with the number 4 on his tender.

   She didn't hear anything for what felt like an eternity. Whatever this big engine had to say, she was ready to spit something back.

"..Weren't you ever told to be kind to a lady?" Gordon groaned. "You know better James, being the ignorant flirt that you are."

   While James tried to come up with an excuse for his actions, another engine rolled into the yard. They were about the same size as Gordon, but green with the number three on their tender.

"Ooh, am I too late to meet the new engine..?" stuttered the green one.

"No, Henry, he's right there." Gordon gestured to Thomas. "What's your name, little tank engine?"

   Thomas was daydreaming, as no one was paying attention to him much. "Oh! My name is uh, Thomas! And this is Maddy!" he said, looking down at the small girl.

"Maddy..? Well where is she? James, are you hiding her?" Henry sheepishly spoke.

   James just kissed his teeth, moving out of the way. Henry gasped, totally falling in love with the tiny girl in front of him.

"Cinders and ashes!" he exclaimed. "She's so..tiny! What would Sir Topham Hatt want with someone so small..?"

"To do the work that you big tender engines won't do. Like..shunting."

   Henry just rolled his eyes, he knew exactly what was coming, and he felt sorry for Maddy.

"Tender engines don't shunt!" boomed Gordon. "That's a stated fact! It's meant for the smaller little tank engines like Thomas!"

"More like you don't wanna shunt. Looks to me that you just don't have the balls, you galloping sausage."

   Henry, James, and Thomas all burst out laughing. Sure, the girl was shy, but damn she was quick to defend herself. Gordon, on the other hand, went red in the face. He was used to being respected, not insulted like some nobody. The big engine growled, lurching forward toward the girl.

"Now you listen here, young lady." he bellowed. "I will not allow such foolery to happen! You need to be set straight! This is no place for funny business!"

"You got James. He looks pretty funny."

   Henry had to use all his willpower not to laugh at that. Thomas just let it all out. 

"Hey!" yelled James. He didn't want to be a part of that argument.

"Besides, Gordon. I'm here so you don't have to shunt, so be grateful or I'll just take on other work. Save your ego for someone else."

   Gordon had just met this girl and was already tired of her. What he said even made James second guess himself.

"Oh, pish posh! What can a puny, weak little girl like you even do on this railway?! Tell us what to do so Sir Topham Hatt doesn't have to? Oh gee, what a job! I don't see why he even brought you along! Pathetic! You're disgraceful!"


   Maddy didn't say anything. She was at a loss for words. Less than a day on the island and she was already having her abilities questioned. Just like they did back at home. She wasn't trusted with any job, for fear that she would break anything and everything around her. Gordon said what everyone else had called her.


   She felt the tears well up in her eyes, and James was the first to notice. He didn't know what to do, he's never had to deal with this before! Even if he did know how to help, he couldn't, as he heard her shoes click, wheels popped out from them. No one could say anything as she hopped onto the tracks, and skated away. James could've sworn he heard her choke out a sob.

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