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   Early next morning, after escaping Death by Maddy, Thing 5 sat up, all alone, checking his phone after having copious notifications from her. Ah, jeez, did she get in trouble?

"Whu..." he grumbled, rubbing his eye as he reached for his phone. Upon further inspection she wasn't in any sort of trouble. If anything, she and some ladies caused the trouble..

"..HA-" James snorted, unable to contain his laughter, causing his friends to wake from their slumber.

"Far too early for laughter.." Gordon grumbled. "James, what's so funny..?"

"You- You guys-" he choked out. "You gotta see this-"

"It better be the funniest thing ever..or else.." Thomas yawned, his sleepy self walking over with the worst bedhead James had ever seen.

"Brush your hair. Good Lady.."

"Shut up..let me see.."

   He handed the phone over to Thomas, who, after a few seconds, just started cackling.

"Is that what we escaped!?" he howled. "Oh, my Lady!"

"Breathe, Thomas..!" Edward exclaimed. "Surely whatever it is can't be that funny.."

  Upon further inspection, Edward couldn't help but giggle. Just a little.

"Oh, my. Don't laugh at the poor thing. He looks so...miserable..snrk-"

"You're laughing too, Edward!"

   One by one, the remaining members of the shed got a peek on what was on the phone. Each has a varying degree of laughter. On the phone were several photos of poor Nathan, dolled up like a princess, covered in glitter, pink paint and makeup. He looks miserable, but absolutely hilarious.

"I'm posting these."

"Oh, don't do that to the poor engine!" Henry frowned. "He doesn't deserve that! He's probably in his shed, never to come out again.."

"Nate will be fine. I'm sure he's planning his revenge already."

"Nate's reputation ruined aside, when's Maddy supposed to get home?" Edward frowned. "I need to talk to her about a few things. Did she say?"

"She just said Travis'll swing by when he leaves Elsbridge."

"And that was..?"

"Looks like about twenty minutes ago."

"Then she should be here within the hour."

"Must you be leaving so early, Maddy?" Rosie pouted. "We were having so much fun."

"I've got things to do, and the rest of you probably do as well, Rosie."


"No, Rose!" she chuckled, hoisting her bag over her shoulder. "Travis is coming by to pick me up soon."

"Couldn't you just..skate back to Tidmouth?"

"I left them there, and I don't feel like walking." Maddy shrugged. "So there, Mavis."

"Well pardon me-" she answered back, giggling. "My apologies, your highness."

"Now don't you be sarcastic with me, Mavis. Don't you need to rally together some unruly twins?"

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now