Just a Little Teasing!

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   Over the course of the week, Percy got to know everyone personally. He got along with everyone, except Gordon, but as Edward told Maddy and Thomas, Gordon would warm up eventually. Maddy, on the other hand, generally avoided him, something that confused him greatly. When he asked Thomas, he only said that she was shy, but would come around eventually. Though, that day never came as of yet. One day, he managed to catch her in the yards.


"..Yes, Percy?"

"Do you not like me..?"

   She didn't respond for a few moments. Percy was saddened by this.

"..I don't..dislike you, Percy, but you ask a lot of personal questions that I don't feel comfortable answering. Until you stop doing that, I don't really feel like talking to you."

"..That's all? Why didn't you say something?"

"Because you come off to me as the type to cry if I told you off."


"Welcome to the club, get used to it. Now if you promise to stop asking me invasive questions, I'll happily be your friend."

"Deal!" the little engine agreed happily.

"Thank you."

  Maddy grinned, reached over, and pat his pudgy cheek. Percy was greatly caught off guard.

"O-Oh, u-uh-"

"Would you rather have a hug?"


  The little engine was soon replaced by an even littler boy. Just an inch taller than Maddy, Percy had light, apple green hair that was rather short. His outfit consisted off a shamrock hued shirt with suspenders snapped into place by gold buttons, and dark green shorts to tie it all together. Percy blinked with his big ol' emerald eyes, having not attempted the transformation before.

"..You're adorable."

   Maddy snickered, Percy was only the third engine/human hybrid she's seen. Gordon, Edward and Henry hadn't made themselves known yet, but that was okay.

"Shut up..!" the small boy whined. "I'm still taller than you!"

"You want that hug or not-"

   Percy then shut up and took his hug.

   The next day, bright and early, everyone was getting ready to do their jobs. Percy had noticed that Maddy generally hung out with James. He couldn't comprehend why, the red engine was a total jerkwad. Did they like each other or something? Only one way to truly figure out-

"Hey Maddy?" Percy asked. "Can I ask you something?"

"Depends on what it is..but yeah.." the girl yawned, still not fully woken up.

"Why do you tag along with James so much?"

   Percy didn't get an answer for quite some time.

"..Because red is my favorite color. He's red. Makes sense, right?" she answered, after finding her words.

"Why thank you!"

"It wasn't a compliment, fire hydrant."

"Sure it wasn't, shortie."

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