Soup for the Soul

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(A/N: Hi Hi! Sorry for my absence..yet again. Motivation is hard to come by, y'know? Fret not. Unless I state otherwise this book will still be updated...sometimes slowly. I promise I'll update when that urge comes, don't worry. Have a lovely day. -Pickle)

   Maddy's condition hardly improved, but at least she was now awake, talking, and minorly moving. Once it was deemed safe that she could eat more than a few crackers, James was appointed to bring her food. Rather, he appointed himself. Everyone wanted to keep it safe and have Dadward do it, but James insisted, as he wanted to fix the mess he had created. She didn't deny him, which he took as a good thing. Though, she made one thing certain.

"Don't try cooking for me."

"Whaaat? Why?"

"The last time I let you try you nearly ruined my portable stove. AND it still tasted bad."

"You said this ra-men was easy!"

"It IS. You're just stupid."

   James simply scoffed, crossing his arms. Why was she blaming him? He doesn't need to eat, so why would he know how to cook?

"Just...have Connor pick up food, silly goose.."

"No, you deserve properly cooked food."

"You're gonna give me food poisoning, James." 

   Since James insisted she has something cooked, Maddy tried to get out of bed so she could do it herself. However, without strength, she couldn't stand and she fell to the ground. Luckily, he caught her.

"Are you crazy!?" he scolded.

"You said I needed proper let me make it."

"You're still too weak!" James huffed, picking her up to set her back in bed.

"But you'll burn it!"

"I..I can learn! Promise! I have the internet!"

"Ugh..fine. But I don't have anything to really make...anything. You'll have to go to the market."

"I have the day off, I can do that!" James beamed, "Don't you fret, Honey Bee.."

   Hearing her own nickname brought a blush to her face. Huh, I guess he really did care. Maybe he did learn something and got his head out of his ass. No no, James isn't out of the woods yet, can't forgive him so easily.

"You just stay here and rest for now.." he spoke softly, brushing her bangs out of her eye. James brushed his thumb over her cheek, next to the bottom portion of the scar that struck through her eye. He remembered that day as clear as day. Less than a week on the island and he already managed to jeopardize her life. But, she was here, she was safe and he was madly in love with her.

"James, you're..staring. Hello? Earth to James?" Maddy hummed, snapping her fingers.

"Hm? Oh, I was just admiring your..scar. I still feel guilty about it.." he spoke, pressing a kiss to the scar. James chuckled as he felt her face heat up.

"It's's just cosmetic at this point.."

"Then why do you cover it?"

"I don't like people asking questions."

"Fair, fair.." James chuckled, putting the hair back. "I'll see you later. I love you.."

   James didn't get a response for what felt like an eternity. He understood, her feelings for him might be mixed. So, he just left the sheds, clicking on his skates. Though, as he left, he could've sworn he heard an 'I love you too'.

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now