Bed Bath & Boredom

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   With everyone absolutely refusing to let Maddy work, and she wasn't fit to go out, she was stuck in bed. TikTok only brought so much joy [she questioned deleting her account after James stumbled onto her For You page. It happened more than once.], and she had read every book Edward gave her twice over. James asked if he could read them, and when she asked why, since he didn't come off as the type that liked to read, he just responded with, "Research." Of course, not wanting to question it she just gave them to him. Now she sat in bed, staring at her cast. Thomas had overheard some random kid with a broken leg asking people to sign his cast, so he thought of the bright idea to get all his friends to sign hers. Their signatures varied greatly, with Gordon, Henry and Edward all having neat and proper handwriting, Percy signing like a child, Thomas attempted cursive, and James...well James signed it as if he were a celebrity. Emily, well, Emily's driver signed it for her, since she wasn't comfortable switching just yet as far as Maddy was aware.

"Oh my sweet molly fuuuuuuck I wanna go ooooooooouuuuuut.." she whined to herself. "Even if it's just for a riiiiiiiiiide.."

   But she was just bitching to herself. No one was home. To be honest, it got rather lonely quite a bit. Of course Duck and the twins would stop by, and so would James, but it was only a temporary solution as they couldn't stay forever.

"..I need a laptop.." Maddy muttered, hopping on her phone. She began to search for one that would suit her needs. Not too long after she found a medium sized red laptop. Jackpot. Plenty affordable too.

"..Hmm..what else.."

   She pondered for a while. She thought she could get more than just a laptop. Looking around the building, she noticed that beside herself, the back was...really empty. With all her shit, including a portable stove and microwave, Maddy didn't take up jack shit for space. She grinned to herself as ideas started to swirl.

"You sure you're okay leaving her alone all the time, James?" his driver asked, poking his head out of the cab?"

"..Yup! Totally!" the red engine spat. Connor wasn't believing this bullshit.

"..You sure?"


"Your voice is cracking."

"Fuck you!"

"You're not okay with this, are you."


   Connor just chuckled, patting his cab.

"I thought so. You're worried about her, aren't you?"

"..Why wouldn't I be..? She's alone with a broken arm. She can't really defend herself..!"

"We understand, James, but you can't just stay at the sheds..."

"But what if-"

"James. Nothing bad will happen. Not again. Diesel generally stays away from you two and Diesel 10's been kicked off for good. She. Is. Fine."


"No more buts. Do your work and then you can go see her."

".........................Can do!"

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now