Minus Fifteen

56 1 19

   James was happily taking his favorite service, passenger service through the scenery of Sodor. Minding his business, letting the sun shine on his beautiful paint, loving the compliments from the stations he stopped at. Almost as if he never had someone in his life to begin with.

   He was so angry, in fact though, he went straight through all five stages of grief at once and went right for acceptance. He spent most of his life alone, and he was sure he could do it again. He just needed to get past the many sleepless nights and get used to sleeping alone again.

   As he puffed along, up and over Gordon's Hill, he took notice of a freight train just making it around the curve in the distance. A friend to whistle to, he thought to himself. James made his way down the hill himself, creeping up around the bend to give a friendly peep.

   It was then he noticed that there wasn't an ounce of steam, or even the humming of a diesel engine coming from the train that he was catching up with. Nor were there any electric engines on the island. So, that only left one contender, and boy did it make him mad.

"YOU!" he screeched, quickly puffing up to the front. "He still LET you roam around the islands!?"

   The one he was talking to didn't answer. Didn't even look at James, as if he simply didn't exist. Wouldn't acknowledge him. Complete, blissful ignorance.

"I'm talking to you! Answer me!"

   Still nothing. Not even so much as a wistful glance. Just eyes straight ahead, concentrating on the tracks in front of them.



   Yet, they did not answer. Instead, they sped up away from him, faster than he could go, otherwise he'd have some very cranky passengers. James angrily scoffed, and just continued his way to his destination, eagerly ready to tell whoever he could that the monster still roamed along the rails.

   Unfortunately for James, it seemed that every engine he ran into already knew. Percy knew about it, Donald and Douglas knew about it, even the Narrow Gauge knew it. They all knew, and no one bothered to tell James. Or so he thought.

"I've known for a while, James." Jenny hummed. "She's passed by me a few times. Doesn't exactly say anything.....or look at me. It's kind of sad, really."

"Reggie passed by her and not a moment after he got derailed and put in the works.." Edward hummed. "I should know, I was called to clean up that mess, and he wasted no time in calling her a curse, an omen. It...It's.....It really is sad, Jenny.."

"Well I wouldn't go as far as calling her an omen.." Thomas butted in. "But she makes you feel uneasy when she passes you, or you pass her.."

"She keeps to herself and does her job. The most we can do is leave her alone. The controller hasn't fired her, but we shouldn't exactly make it so she quits.."

"She murdered someone Henry. Not just anyone, she murdered a father, my brother." James seethed.

"We know, James! We all know! But we'd be no better if we shunned and snapped and insulted her until she quit! Or worse.."


"Leave her alone, James." Edward snapped, with several other engines murmuring in agreement. "We know what she did, but stooping down to that level is not what we do. What you won't do, either. You understand?"

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now