Wheels on The Bus

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[This chapter of SNW was brought to you by Nathan The Saddle Tank Engine. If you don't check him out I'll be sad. Go do it.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3FW59LY_DwsES4d2E7wHuQ ]

   Early that next day, after the whole fiasco with her parents, Maddy was up bright and early, reading a book she had found at the library. It was just a romance novel, but it kept her entertained from her splitting headaches from what James would call 'Mythic Takeover'.

"What're you reading, Bee..?" he hummed, just waking up, which startled her into closing the book.


"Tell me. Or else."

"You put your frozen hands on me again I'll kick you in the knees." she frowned, setting the book down.

"Just tell me!"

"I was in the middle of a raunchy sex sc-"

"Woah! Okay!"

   Snorting, Maddy heaved herself out of bed to get dressed.

"You asked."

"I- Yeah..I did. But did you have to tell me T H A T-?!"

"I did because it got you to shut up. There's none of that in the book."

"You realize how much you suck right now?" he grumbled, heaving himself out of bed to fetch his uniform.

"I don't suck. Simple as that."

"Mmmmm, yeah you do- Hey, why are you putting your skates on!?" he huffed, rushing over to snatch the one that wasn't on her foot.

"Oi! I need those to work!"

"Not with those headaches you're not!"

"I am so close to quitting my job-"

"You're not doing that either!"

   Grimacing, Maddy noticed Thomas creeping up on James with hatred in his big ol' eyes, carrying a pillow. She only grinned, which confused James......until her was smacked upside the head.

"Go. Back. To. Sleep. You. Big. Red. Idiot."

"Ow! Thomas! Maddy! Help me!"

"Gimme my skate and I'll think about it."

"You cheeky little-" he hissed, only to be silenced by Thomas again.


"You hit me one more time, you blue-haired monkey-"

   He was, subsequently hit one more time. As a result, he clock him in the stomach with Maddy's left skate. Thomas staggered back and when down like a sack of wet sand.

"My SKATE-" she screeched. "You better not have broken anything! Those are my only spares! You know my other ones are getting fixed!"

"What about ME!?" Thomas cried out, curled up on the floor.

"You're fine."

"Will you three keep it down..?" Henry whined from his berth. "It's too early for this.."

"Hush, Fish Man."


   As Maddy berated him for calling Henry such a name, each and every engine woke up, purring in their beds/berths and ready to start the day. They all listened in bliss as the little woman continued to lay into James.

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now