The Silent Engine

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   Unfortunately, no one saw much of Bonnie since she came to be at the Steamworks. Edward was tasked to bring her what was essentially a welcome package to the works, but was met with two incomplete builds. One was noticeably more done than the other. The one that was more done, Edward recognized it as an LNER D15. He knew what that was, and more importantly, he knew who it was. The other one, however, seemed to have sustained some damage during the process, and was being repaired. Even with the damage, they appeared to resemble a smaller version of an American engine that was widely known as 'Big Boy'. Roughly James' height, and with a set of wheels that was backward compared to was what probably their inspiration. Would've been a grand sight if they weren't damaged.

"Did he accidently design Molly..?" Edward muttered to himself.

   Though, the potential of it actually ending up as Molly were slim to none. No one knew if she was still out there, wandering. That, however, was the least of his issues. Hooting a friendly whistle, he got Victor's attention.

"Edward! My friend.." the narrow gauge puffed up to him. "What brings you here?"

"I have a welcome basket for Bonnie...courtesy of Sir Topham Hatt...but.."

"I'm sorry, but Bonnie hightailed it out of the works the moment her paint was dry. No driver or fireman were even assigned yet. Wasn't too long ago, either."

"Wha- Didn't anyone tell her that it's against protocol for an engine to be out and about without their crew?" Edward gasped, slightly concerned.

"Kevin did, though he said that she didn't appear to be listening." Victor frowned. "She was oddly quiet for a new engine. Usually they had a ton of questions. Where they were, where they needed to go, you know how it is. Bonnie just....vanished."

"Did she say anything at all?" Edward asked, both confused and quite annoyed. 

"Nope. Nothing." he sighed. "I'm sorry I can't help you more."

"Don't worry about it, Victor..I'll surely find her. Well, someone will."

"Good luck then." he peeped to the blue engine as he backed out of the works.

   Edward was utterly dumbfounded that a brand new engine would just take off like that. Then again, they too could've been floating around endlessly, memorizing the island before a basis was available. That, however was only a theory, and only her Radiant Lady and her crew new the truth.

"Did...I take a wrong turn? This doesn't..seem right.." Bonnie whispered to herself. "This isn't..the big station.."

   As she slowly puffed around, taking in her surrounding, she could faintly hear hushed arguing that progressively got louder the more she crept forward.

"Come on, Trav.." a female voice pleaded. "I know she was like your little sister, but it's been nearly five've got to move on.."

"I'll move on when I'm good and red-dy to." the supposed Travis snapped back, pun completely intended. "You have no idea how awful it was, Rosebud. Having that awful clawed maniac reveal that he was behind Amelia's death."

"I know, but-"

"No, Rosie, no you don't. You have no idea what it was like hearing that, and then watching my sister taunt a man into shooting her in the heart. Every single day I think to myself that I could've done better. That I could've saved my baby sister."

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