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{A/N: Hi Hi folks! I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I never expected to get so distracted, but I'm here now! However, with school about to start back up, I cannot promise any sort of consistency, but I promise you I'll try and update this book as much as I can!

Oh, and if any of you know how to draw, feel free to draw my versions of these goofballs! All I ask is that you credit me under the name 'splendid-red', and of course show me! I'll be happy to tell you how close you got. I have designs in mind for them, but I need to get around to it. Obviously, the only two with permanent designs are James and Maddy, but a few tweaks are always welcome! Just credit and show me your lovely artwork! Also, if I love it, which I probably will, your image may be placed within whatever chapter it was drawn for. With credit, of course, my friends. I'll see you later!


 Finally, winter time. Maddy finally got her cast off and was ready to take on the day again. It was a particularly chilly morning. None of the engines wanted to go out, especially James.

"Sir, it's too cold out! I don't want to wear my snowplow either!"

"You're not getting out of this again, James." he commanded. "You'll be fine. Especially since your girlfriend can't work in the winter."

"HUH- Yes I can!" she snapped from the back. "The tracks are clear! I can work!"

"Yes, but there's still various snow piles and ice on the tracks. Your skates don't come equipped with sand. I can't afford to have you in the hospital again."

"Fuck the ice. Let me work!" Maddy snarled.


"Let me work or I'll prank you, fat man."

   STH sighed. He knew it was a bad idea, but he also knew she would keep her word and probably fill his office with whipped cream. He looked on his clipboard for anything she could do.

"There's...coal trucks that need to be delivered to the coal stations around the island. Is that fine?"

"I don't mind getting dirty, unlike someone-"

   James sneered as he heard his friends giggling around him. They all knew it was him.

"Love you too, tiny."

"I know."

   Gliding along the tracks, Maddy was having a splendid time. Winter was her favorite season despite being frigid on the island. It was always so pretty and quiet, and she got to bundle up in her favorite coat without overheating. She also liked it because it was an excuse to hang out with her favorite set of twins, Donald and Douglas. 

"Where could they be...hmm.." she pondered. "I think I remember one of them telling me they usually take care of all the big piles around the island.."

   Maddy couldn't spend her time looking about. She had promised the fat man that she'd be careful, which meant she had to watch for ice on the tracks, because if she slipped, it could be her end. The girl didn't need to be in the hospital again for the umpteenth time. However, it wasn't long until she spotted her favorite set of twins. 

"Donald! Douglas!" she waved to them. Both had their slow plows on, ripping through the snow like it was butter. Both of them were surprised she was out and about, considering it was winter and she was barely well enough to be out anyway.

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now