Quack Quack

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   Maddy had to get away. After that incident, she couldn't be near James at all without becoming as red as his paintwork. So, she went into STH's office to try and figure out something.

"Ah, Maddy, what brings you here?" the man bellowed.

"..I need an assignment to get away from my friends."


  She reluctantly told him the story. About James, Percy, Thomas, the whole lot. STH nodded as she went along. He saw right through her, what she was feeling. But as someone who experienced young love before, he understood.

"Well, my dear, you're in luck! I've brought a new engine over to help Edward on his branchline for the time being. There is a new branch being built along the coast, so I need them to gain experience before going off on their own. They should be waiting at Wellsworth."

"..Oh..! Thank you, sir! Thank you..!" she profusely said. With that, she quickly left for Wellsworth.

"He never told me what the engine looked like-" she muttered to herself. "Well, every engine looks different, shouldn't be too hard."

  Maddy applied her brakes as she approached Wellsworth, noticing a green Pannier tank engine.

"...Hello?" she called out.

"Hm?" the engine replied, looking around. Where did that voice come from? Where's the engine?

"..Down here."

   The engine looked down at the tiny human in front of him.

"Is..er..this a joke?"

"No. My name is Maddy, I've been assigned to show you the ropes of this branchline. Who're you?"

"..My name is Montague, but I prefer to be called Duck."

"Pleased to meet you, Duck. Now follow me." the girl stated.

  Duck blew his whistle, and followed her around the branchline.

   Like everyone, Duck was caught off guard by what was in front of him. Now, he wouldn't say anything about it, it wouldn't be very Great Western of him. But as he was daydreaming about the tiny thing, he was snapped back to reality.

"..So, Duck, where exactly are you from?"

  Bad idea on her part. Duck proceeded to tell her anything and everything about the Great Western Railway.

"Oh my god would you please can it-" she groaned. "My ears are bleeding-"

"That's not very Great Western of you."

"I'm not Great Western."

"Then what are you?"

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now