Hot n' Spooky

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   Ah, autumn. Not too hot, not too cold. Just perfect. Well, it should be. Today, it was dreadfully hot, and poor Maddy didn't want to go outside.

"It's like ninety degreeeeeeeeeeees.." she whined. "I'm not made for this weatheeeeeeeer..."

"Once you're working, the heat will be the least of your problems, dear." the fat hat said.

"Fuck oooooooff, I'm not workiiiiiiiiing.."

"Don't make me bring James back here."

"James will get a kick in the stomach."

"You wouldn't."


  Sir Topham Hatt sighed, and called for the red engine. He reluctantly came, unsure whether or not she'd actually kick him.

"Honey Bee, come on."

"Kiss my right asscheek. Go away." she hissed.

   Maddy buried her face into her pillow, thinking she had won. She enjoyed the thirty seconds of bliss before he took her seriously and actually did it.


"Get up or I'll do it again!"

"If I have a heat stroke it's on all of you!" Maddy groaned, hopping out of bed. Because of the heat, she wasn't wearing much at all. James physically picked up his boss and carried him out of the sheds. That bod was for James' eyes only-

"James! Put me down!"

"Nope nope nope nope nope-" he said, not putting him down until he carried him to his car. 
"Have a good day sir."

  He bowed before shuffling back to her spot. The others snickered at his actions. Even Gordon found it funny that James was admiring someone other than himself in a mirror.

"You don't get to look, asswipe." she stated, covering herself with her comforter. "Go back to your berth."


"No buts, Buzzy Butt."

   James went red in the face as his friends started howling. It wasn't just Thomas and Percy, but everyone. He could hear Henry and Edward snickering and Gordon was guffawing. He knew exactly why they were laughing, too. James had no nicknames among his friends, as 'Little James' did not count, at least to him. Ever since she arrived though, he's been bombarded with them. Jamesy, Jimbo, Buzzy, Buzzy Butt, fire hydrant, just to name a few. He damn well knew she'd come up with more if she had the chance. Now, Buzzy was reserved completely for Maddy, as she's stated herself. However, on more than one occasion, he's been called Jimbo by his friends, most notably Duck. Jamesy was usually used by Maddy, of course, but also Thomas and Percy whenever they felt like being little asses. Buzzy Butt, though, was new and up for grabs. 

"Why are you the way that you are."

"Trauma!" she shouted, sprinkling in some jazz hands. "You love me though."


"You wuv me."



"Hell no."

"I give you cookies." she smiled.

  James paused, thinking about it.

"..Maybe a little."

"No fair! Why does he get to eat human food?!" Thomas huffed.

"Because I'm constantly eating and he's constantly curious."

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now