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   From that day forward, all of her friends couldn't help but notice she was acting a little differently. A little more jumpy and on guard, and she even convinced Nathan to change the settings on her boots to allow her to activate them more than once a day.

"I really don't recommend this, Bluebell." Nathan pleaded. "I really don't need you going power hungry and end up killing a person or two."

"I'd like to be able to protect myself with more than just my fists. I'll be responsible, I promise."

"Give me one good reason to believe you."

"I'll tell Mavis you're being mean to me."

"I just got myself a girlfriend, please don't take her away from me. I don't ask for much out of you."

"Then change my boots. Chop chop, I gotta be at the dairy in 30 minutes."

"I should've just given you a knife.." he grumbled, tinkering around with her boots. "Why, oh why, did I give you weapons you can wear."

"Because I got the kicking power of a Clydesdale. If I'm gonna do something, I'm gonna kill 'em."

"Ugh..there." he said, sliding her boots back to her. "Still, I think you need to relax. We're all keeping a close eye on you."

"Those two were keeping a close eye on me and no one noticed." Maddy quietly hissed, slipping her boots back on. "So pardon me if I'm not exactly hunky dory right now."

"Mads, you're going to be fine. It was a fluke, we'll be more careful!"

"I'm always told that a closer eye will be kept on me, that you'll all be more alert and careful." she said, walking out of his workshop. "And I've yet to see anyone go through with what they've said."

"This is just me, but.." Nathan started. "There's only so much we're capable of when most of us are on the move, and you're Lady knows where, but, I'll be happy to tell you that something is going to be done. I ordered in some cameras for the sheds, so you and everyone else living there will be under surveillance. Everything will be recorded."

"Oh goody. I'll really be watched at all times."

"Not when you're-"

"If you finish that sentence, I'm going to whack you. You know exactly what I mean."

"Still, it'll just be me, and no one can get into my workshop but me."

"Not with the shitty locks you have."

"Shitty l.." he muttered, before it clicked in his silly head. "You've broken into my workshop?! How'd you even get past Poochy!? Where the hell was I?!"

"Away. Plus, you had a very cute axolotl plushie I just had to get my paws on."


"No, I borrowed him."




"Fine, fine!" she dryly laughed. "He's at the sheds under my bed."

"Your bed or the bed you sleep in?"

"Figure it out."

"You son of a-"

   Nathan just huffed, and booked it to the sheds, leaving Maddy by herself, since she didn't bother chasing after him. She just didn't have the energy to be her normal amount of mischievous. The girl was tired, both physically and mentally, but it was still amusing to see the annoyed look on her friend's face once he figured out she stole his plush from right under his nose. 

Sodor's New Worker (Semi-Hiatus Due to an AO3 rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now