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When I woke up the next morning, I pushed on the one beside me, wanting a bit more space before I froze when I felt soft fur that made electricity flow through me.

This was not Max trying to take all the space in the bed.

I heaved myself out of bed and stared at the large wolf still deep asleep. As I stood there, I folded my arms over my chest, trying to come up with a plan to get him out of the room. Then, I'll figure out how to get him to change back to human.

It's rude to stare.

I raised an eyebrow. "I wasn't."

As he stood up and jumped out of the bed, I headed out the door to halt at his snarl. I faced him, taking steps back until I stood at the doorway. After placing my hands on the frame, I held my chin high, a smile on my lips. "You want me to do anything you want, then shift."

The wolf stood still for a moment before his eyes flickered a bright blue. Anything?

My cheeks burned when his laughter echoed in my mind. I tried my best to seem convincing when I said, "Anything." Was that a lie? Yes. Did he know? I had no idea. But once he shifted to human form, I would find a way to keep him that way. He would be mad at me, but hey, I was willing to do anything to reach my objective.

When he moved forward, I held my chin high as I stepped into the hexagon shaped hall. He didn't follow though, staring at me with clear curiosity.

"Kendra." As I whirled around, the door of his bedroom slammed shut behind me, making me flinch.

I stared at Luke, a small smile on my lips. "Hey."

"I'm glad to see you're making progress."

I propped my hands on my hips. "Not fast enough...I would like to call my family—"

"Forgive me, but that's not permitted."

"It's been almost two months..."

He stepped closer and placed a hand on my shoulder, which gained a snarl from the wolf within the bedroom. Luke smiled as he pulled his hand away.

"No need for the warning, my friend." He leaned closer to me, stopping when our faces were inches away. "I think you've made a lot of progress."

He gestured for me to follow him and I did. We walked in silence side by side until we descended the grand stairs. In the foyer, Nicolas stood, arms folded behind his back, a genuine smile on his lips.

"Hello, Kendra."

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Of course." He placed his hand on my shoulders and lead me into the enormous living room where I sat beside him on the white elegant sofa. "Jezebel informed us of what happened."

"I know it was dangerous, but I ran out of options—Besides, he didn't harm me."

"It's okay." He glanced toward Luke before grabbing a suitcase from beside the sofa and setting it on the coffee table. "Now that we know this is the wolf, we can use this to bring Aaron back."

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