V2: Chapter Thirty Five

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When Lana woke up, she found herself on her bed, alone. She didn't get up and closed her eyes back up, wishing that she could remember what truly had happened that day. It didn't matter how hard she tried, she didn't remember anything different than Lucas losing his temper and taking her by force. Her head began to throb so she pressed a hand over her temple as she fought to not break down.

"You're awake."

She sat up to be engulfed in a hug by Brent. "I'm okay."

"You're not. And that's okay." He pulled back and their gazes met. "They're in the living room. Do you want me to tell then to leave?"

"No..." She paused, taking a deep breath to calm her rapid heartbeat. "I need to figure out who planted these memories in my head--there is no other explanation."

"Who the hell would do such horrendous thing?" he asked, clearly befuddled by the idea that someone could be so cruel, but Lana knew that people could be capable of that and far worse. There were truly sick bastards out there that thrived from causing pain.

"I don't know, but I won't stop until I figure it out."

She heaved herself out of bed and exited her bedroom, Brent a couple of steps behind. In the living room, she found Lucas and Vance conversing. They fell silent when they sensed her. Vance rushed to her side so that he could give her a hug.

"You should have gone home. The pack needs you."

"I already told him, but he refuses to listen."

"Maybe because he doesn't trust you here," Brent said, a stern look in his face. "May I remind you of how you forced your way into the apartment--"

Lucas glared at Brent. "I wasn't thinking--All I wanted was to talk."

Brent actually got on Lucas' face, not appearing afraid at all. "Don't think that because those imagines in her head aren't true that you're going to be trusted blindly."

Vance ignored them both and began to lead Lana out of the apartment until she forced him to stop. "Where are you taking me?"

"To the pack doctor so he can make sure you're okay. You fainted--"

"That's normal in my condition." He seemed perplexed, but then he leaned closer to her, taking in her fragrance. She smiled as she pushed him away, playfully. "I thought you wolves would smell it."

"This city has way too many scent---" When realization hit him, she laughed. His smile was blinding. Then, he hugged her before cupping her face and kissing her sweetly. Her cheeks flamed as he pulled away, their gazes meeting.

At a sound like thunder, she pulled away, realizing that Lucas had stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door shut. Brent seemed worried but said nothing as he headed into the kitchen presumably to get something to eat.

"Get your things."


"Lana, I was sent here to keep an eye on you, but whilst you slept, the orders changed. You're no longer permitted to live in this human city. The alphas demand you return home at once."

Her eyes widened, knowing well that this meant that she had no choice in the matter.

"For the safety of our child, I think you should listen to the alphas."

"Okay." She didn't even bother to argue. Even though she was going to miss Brent, her child would be safer raised amongst the pack. Without another word, she headed to her bedroom to start packing her stuff. Vance followed her and helped her. After she zipped the luggage, he stood behind her, placing his hands on her hips.

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