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I HAD BEEN chosen.

The words reiterated in my head, over and over.

What if I got beaten to death?

What if I was fed from until every drop of blood was drained from my body?

What if I was used as a sex slave?

Running my trembling hands through my hair, I tried my best to hide the fear coursing through me, making my body shudder against my will. Arms wrapped around me tightly, almost stopping all air from reaching my lungs. I was crying. No. It was my mother who was crying at the top of her lungs.

"No! No!" She shook her head and kept crying.

Still, I didn't move an inch. I stared at the television screen, hoping that I had imagined it, hoping that this was nothing but a nightmare, that I would wake up any minute back on my bed with Max attacking me with another of his kisses.

But it wasn't a dream; it was reality.

"I have to—I have to get ready before they arrive," I said before pulling away from my mom, who was still crying.

Holding a hand over my lips, I staggered sideways as I tried to reach the stairs. The moment I tried to go up the first step, my foot slipped, sending me plummeting to the floor. My knee struck the edge of the step, sending painful tremors up my leg, but it wasn't as great as the pain enveloping my heart.

"Kendra," my mom said, helping me back up. "Maybe we can do something. Sam —"

"No!" I inhaled deeply. "No, Mom. Please don't call Sammy." I didn't want to leave, but I didn't want to owe Sammy anything.

"He's your friend. He can help you."

I shook my head. "He can't help me...No one can. You saw that gold star. Who knows what amount they have asked for in return for my freedom."

There was a knock on the door, making my heart hammer against my rib-cage. When Mom opened, seven vampires walked inside the house. Wide-eyed, I stared at them, wondering why so many had come to retrieve me; the most that I had seen were three.

This was double the reinforcements.

The shorter one stepped closer to me and grabbed my wrist before placing the scanner above it. In the screen of the scanner, all my information appeared: My name, age, height, eye color—which was wrong. The vampire stared at me for a brief moment. Then, I realized I wasn't wearing my contacts. Now, my entire body trembled visibly.

"Relax, Nicolas knew something was off about those eyes he couldn't see through. Those contacts kept him from reading you like the back of his palm."


The vampire looked down at the scanner before pulling it away and releasing my wrist. "Yes, Nicolas will be waiting for you at the delivery building in Athelum."

So, my master's name was Nicolas.

"Do you have any idea why he chose me?" If the contacts had prevented him from reading me like an opened book, then what made him chose me?

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