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SAYING GOODBYE TO my family was as hard as the first time. My father still disagreed with my decision and tried to persuade me to change my mind, but I was determined to not let them ever again live check-by-check as they had done for many years.

On the entire ride, Aaron and I conversed about anything. One of the things I truly adored of him was his damn soothing laughter. The man beside me didn't represent at all the image I had for years of his species.

After a couple of minutes, we fell into pin-drop silence.

As I pushed a lock of hair behind my ear, I sneak a peek at him and realized he must have been in some type of mental conversation. In the past months, I learned that whenever he connected through telepathy with another werewolf, those enticing blue eyes of his became darker and flickered gold. The rim also turned black, making the color of his eyes pop out even more against his sun-kissed skin.

I waited until they turned back to normal before asking, "Is everything okay?"

"Luke has told me that there was a rogue sighting."

"Should I be worried?"

He shook his head. "Of course not."

"I have read in that book that rogue wolves are very dangerous."

"Not any more than I am." He glanced in my direction for a brief moment, a smile playing on his lips.

"How can you connect with Luke? He is a vampire, not a werewolf."

"He was once my Beta."

At that, my eyes narrowed in confusion. "Your Beta?"

"The second in command. In a battle, a rogue vampire bit Luke. Most of the time, the venom has no effect on us, but to Luke, it changed him within seconds."

"So, his family—"

"They are werewolves."

"I always thought Vampires and Werewolves were enemies."

He nodded. "Once upon a time, we were. We couldn't be in the same room without wanting to tear each other's throat apart. Seth, the vampire prince and I had plenty of fights. We couldn't stand each other's presence, but then, your kind brought us together. Enemies united against a force that threatened to wipe them out."

"How were humans capable of trapping that many vampires? Aren't they strong and fast?"

"Yes, but everyone has a weakness and when the humans found out, they used it against them. Like I said, they realized too late that royals aren't affected by silver. Seth killed everyone in that sector and freed his people with my help. Then, we unleashed hell upon the earth."

"I thought it was the Kings—"

He shook his head. "I was blinded by grief after losing my mother that I lost almost all my humanity. Seth—he was outraged when your kind caged the vampires like animals."

"But a vampire killed humans in New York."

He held my gaze as his eyes darkened. "Sometimes I wonder if the human government planned it all, just to have an opportunity to convince everyone that we are beasts and should be treated as such."

"You think very little of the human race."

"I do not blame your entire species, but some are willing to do anything for power."

I shifted in my seat, clasping my hands on my lap. "Is it true what you said? If we were given freedom...those against the kings' decision would hunt us down?"

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