V2: Chapter Thirty Two

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Some people danced to the music at full volume while others either sat at the bar drinking, or conversed in the tables. Lana set down the cup after taking a mouthful of the alcoholic beverage. "Why are we here again?"

Ann raised her cup in a silent toast. "Because we both need a distraction."

Lana narrowed her eyes at her best friend. "Lies. Why are we here, Ann? You are not one to just come to a bar to drink your sorrows away."

Ann smiled before setting her cup down. "My dear father sent Vance here along with his team and I was forbidden from joining them for no other reason than I am not ready to lead a team yet."

Lana fell silent for a moment. She hadn't seen Vance in over five years since she left the pack to live an almost mundane human life. Many couldn't understand why, but she didn't want that lifestyle.
"Exactly what is the mission?"

Ann obviously could read her like an open book. "You're not even going to ask about Vance?"

"What is there to ask? I know he has focused his entire life on his job as the leader of the Red Dragons."

"True." Ann took a sip of her drink before smiling at Lana. "But we both know why he did it. It was to prove to your family that he is worthy of your hand."

"Too bad I don't want the pack lifestyle." That seemed to hurt Ann, which she didn't want. "I'm sorry, but you know better than anyone that I can't be part of it."

"We were kids back then."

Lana remembered that day like it was yesterday. The girl they had trusted attacked her sister and yet, she couldn't bring herself to fight. Ann on the other hand had managed to stop her from leaving through the portal after shoving Kendra through it.

"I could never bring myself to kill anyone...even if my life depended on it."

Ann stared at her drink. "No one would ever ask you to do something you're not comfortable with. There are more jobs in a pack other than a warrior."

"I know, but...I like living as human."

Now, Ann stared at her. "That's just it, Lana. You're not human. No matter how much you try to hide your true self, you're still a half-breed. Your wolf spirit exists within you...even if you try hard to suppress her."

Lana averted her gaze, not surprised that Ann knew so much. "I'm not going to pretend like I wouldn't love to settle down with someone—"

Ann raised an eyebrow. "Just Someone?"

They both laughed. "Fine—With Vance, but I would forever fear being attacked. I can't live like that...in constant fear."

"I don't live in constant fear." Ann smiled.

However, she was the child of one of the most powerful alphas to have ever existed. She had plenty of enemies that would dare take the chance to harm Jack through her.

"You seem to forget that just like I have a target on my back...so do you." Her eyes flashed with sadness. "You are after all, the sister of Kendra. A woman many admire, but also abhor."

"Well this got sour quick." They both laughed once again.

"I know there is another reason why you don't want to come home, but I will wait until you are ready to tell me." She smiled, her eyes glistening. "I will always be here for you. That's what family is for."

"So, what's the job?" Lana asked.

"Capturing a very smart Incubus."

When she gestured to the table in front of them, Lana sneaked a peak at a dark-haired male with emerald green eyes that stood out against his sun-kissed skin. He seemed completely lost in thought as he stared at the cup in front of him.

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