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June 15, 2104


TWO OF THE GUARDS escorted me up to the front door of my home. My mother opened the door, steel blue eyes wide with fear.

"Kendra, what happened?" She asked, clearly worried for me.

"It's nothing. They just wanted to make sure that I arrived home safe."

The guards looked in my direction, and my eyes averted. They wouldn't understand my reasons for lying to her. What would be the point of telling her anything that occurred? It would hurt my parents so much if they knew that Sammy—the boy they looked at as a son—was forcing me to become his woman and had killed someone without any type of remorse.

If I told them the truth, Sammy would kill them.

I would never forgive myself if anything happened to either of them.

Without a glance at the guards, I entered my home, closing the door behind me. My seven-year-old sister rushed to my side from the living room and wrapped her arms around me. "I missed you, too."

"I was scared. It got dark and you weren't here yet." She gave me a squeeze.

I ran my hand through her blond curls. "It's okay, Lana. I just took a longer route for my jog."

She shook her head, then looked up at me, concern and fear filling her hazel eyes. "Take the same way you always do. Bad people are in the dark."

Her body visibly shuddered. Seeing her so worried for me tore my heart apart as if a pressure began to build around it, threatening to crush it. I stooped down and picked her up in my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck, resting her head on my shoulder.

"I will never be out again this late, okay?"

"Do—Do you promise?"

I nodded. "I promise."

Entering the living room with her still in my arms, I smiled weakly at my dad. He looked just as worried as Mom. He walked closer to me, placing his hand on Lana's shoulder. "C'mon, pumpkin. Your sister needs to shower and sleep. Her big day is tomorrow."

Oh, yes. I had forgotten that tomorrow was my graduation. Many would have looked at graduation as a day where doors opened up, doors that led into one's dreams. Some would want to become lawyers, dancers, singers...

However, graduation mainly meant that we were ready. Now, any supernatural being could gain interest in any of us and crush our dreams to the ground without mercy. I had seen them do it before.

Jenny was the name of the girl taken last year. I didn't know her well, but after she registered as available to work for the supernatural, her spirit diminished. She looked terrified whenever we crossed paths. I didn't blame her; I would be petrified, too.

After the day she and many others registered, it was announced through television that she had been chosen. She had been my neighbor, so unfortunately, I witnessed her pain and her family's as she was forced to leave them.

My dad grabbed Lana from my arms, and I tried my best to smile, to hide the fear lacing through me. I had no idea what was beyond the walls and it scared me beyond belief. What if someone who loved to feed on humans gained interest in me?

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