V2: Chapter Thirty Six

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Author's Note: Sorry that I am taking so long to update, but I'm struggling with the story a bit. I know the main events. I'm just struggling to put the story together. I might just write out the main events then work from there. For now, I wanted to share the first draft of the next chapter, which I don't know how to feel about it. It seems like too much is going on. Would love to get some feedback. Thank you. This is what me getting things out of my head looks like. Lol. A mess.


Lana sat down on one of the elegant chairs in the office of her alphas, avoiding eye contact with everyone. "This child is Vance's."

Aaron's eyes narrowed, clearly perplexed. "I tried searching his memories...but I see nothing. Who ever this is...they seem to have mastered the skill better than I have."

Lana inhaled in an attempt to not break down, recalling how Aaron and Jack had barged into the room after the alarm had gone off. Thankfully, Vance had calmed down. If not, she was certain he would be in a cell. He had put his hands on the son of Alpha Kane. A man who would not hesitate to kill someone simply because of a different opinion. She did not want to imagine what he would have done to Vance if Lucas had not lied.

"The cameras didn't capture this woman's identify at all?" Lana asked in disbelief.

"It seems she was aware of the exact location of every camera in the building," Jack stated from where he stood behind Aaron, leaning beside the large window that allowed rays of sunlight into the room. "I'm curious as to why his memories of you were not wiped out---If you think about it, it would have been an easier job to do that rather than create false memories. Instead, he was made to believe that you rejected him years ago."

Lana fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. "Actually..." She paused. "I did reject him." Now, both of her alphas stared at her in disbelief.

"I doubt you were as cruel as what he recalls," Jack said, staring out the window. "First, Vance is accused of assaulting a couple of woman...Now, this. Who the fuck hates him so much to destroy his life?"

"A scorn lover, perhaps," Annabel said, walking into the office while she ate an entire apple pie, seeming to relish every bite. 

"Fey..." Lana whispered more to herself, but everyone present heard her. When she whirled around to leave, Annabel stopped her. "Let go."

"What exactly are you going to do?"

"Force her to--"

"How exactly do you plan to force her to do anything? At the moment, you have no evidence." 

"She lied about being the one Vance spent the night with at the club."

Annabel thought for a moment. "Lana, that doesn't mean she could go as far as to get into his head and change his memories." Now, she glanced at Aaron. "I'll look into the files and see what her gift is, but if I was you, I would investigate Lucas. He is after all, Lana's mate. I wouldn't doubt he would want to take out a threat without staining his hands. For all we know, he could have hired someone to do this to Vance."

"What's Nicolas planning to do?" Asked Jackson. "There is no evidence against Vance--"

"Actually..." Annabel began, sadness lacing her voice. "We had our best mind reader and she confirmed what the women say is true." Lana felt her legs tremble beneath her. She sat down when she feared she could crumble to the ground. When she looked at the alphas, they seemed to be unbothered by the revelation. Annabel smiled and propped her hands on her hips. "By the fact you both didn't snap, I assume you know something that I don't."

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