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LANA LAUGHED AS I chased her around the house. When I caught up to her, I swooped her up in my arms and twirled in delight. It had been so long since I felt such happiness.

"Please wake up."

Everything around us fell into complete darkness as her voice filled my head. As I remembered what happened in the forest, pain enveloped me.

"Please wake up...I can't...I don't think I can take this anymore."

I pressed my hands against my ears as I dropped to my knees.

"Kendra, please."

For what seemed like en eternity, there was nothing but silence. Then, my body jerked as my eyes snapped open for a mere second. Hands held me down as many voices talked at once, some which I recognized; others, had to be an illusion.

Lana couldn't be here.

Neither could Mother.

I cried out as Catherine shouted for someone to get Jackson.

"He's not here."

"Where the hell is he!"

"He—" The male seemed to stutter, hesitant. "H—He..."

"Please don't tell me—I'm going to kill him!"

Someone jabbed something into my hand and my body became still before darkness engulfed me once again.

This time when I woke, soft hands caressed my arm, almost as if tracing a pattern from my wrist to my shoulder. I tried to move, but my entire body felt too heavy. Lifting a finger was something difficult to accomplish and I didn't think the one present even noticed.

It continued like that for what seemed like eternity. I couldn't open my eyes, talk or move. Every once in a while, I would hear Lana's voice...Mother's...but I knew they were nothing but a trick conjured up by my mind.

Then, the one who always traced my pattern in complete silence: Jack.

The soothing electricity was a clear give away.

When I finally could force my eyelids apart, they felt as if they had been glued together. I stared at the white ceiling, my vision slowly becoming less of a blur. The one holding my hand let out a soft sob before she engulfed me in a hug as I managed to sit up.

"M—Mom?" Tears slid down my face as I wrapped my arms around her, never wanting to let go. She was real—She was actually here with me. "I have lost my mind."

She smiled. "Of course not. I'm here and so is Lana."

"But how?"

"It seems you have a friend with the ability to teleport anywhere he desires."


Mom nodded. "When he appeared home without any warning, I attacked him, thinking he had come to kill us." She smiled. "But then he explained everything. He suspected the kings were going to come for us...because of who we are."

"Of who we are?"

"I'll explain everything when you're better, but for now rest."

"I think I have rest long enough." I touched my chest, not feeling any pain. "The wound has healed."



"Everyone has a limit and you surpassed it. It exhausted you, weakened you. We thought...We thought you wouldn't make it. As the months passed—"

"Wait, what?"

She pushed a stray lock of hair behind my ear. "You were in slumber for almost two years."

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