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At a soft melody, my eyes narrowed. When the electricity stopped, I lowered my hands to my sides, out of breath, my heart hammering against my chest. Aaron caught my arm when I stumbled.

"Don't do that again."

I glanced around to catch in time Seth and Bonnie working as a team. They seemed unstoppable, powerful. Bonnie clearly used her siren call to put everyone in a captivating enchantment that was difficult to fight. And if they did, they stood no chance at all against them.

Seth caught the fist of Paige as she tried to attack him, his glowing red eyes standing out against the darkness. The cracking of bones reached my ears when he twisted her arm in an abnormal way before striking her in the chest, sending her stumbling backward.

She didn't hit the ground though.

Bonnie caught her from behind, wrapping a hand around her neck, sinking her sharp nails into flesh and deeper. When she pulled, ripping it to shreds, blood poured out. The body hit the ground with a loud thud as Bonnie stood still, a menacing smile on her lips, which flaunted sharp teeth. Her eyes stopped glowing emerald as they met mine.

"All three of you need to stop thinking that because you're royal, that you're invincible."

"We don't think like that at all," Aaron said.

"Then why do you continue wanting to separate?" She glanced at all of us. "I know that mates are strong together, but it's more than clear that all of us fighting as one can bring down any enemy. " She stepped closer, holding Jack's gaze. "We're all a team now. We should fight as one."

Before heading to the safe house, we decided to head in the opposite direction, knowing well that if there were any enemies left, that they would trace the scent of Aaron's blood.

"Zoe's blood might be taking a bit to take full effect," Bonnie said as she inspected Aaron's wounds. "But it is helping you. If it weren't for that, you'd be in the ground writhing in pain."

"How long do you think it will take to heal?" I asked.

"A couple of more minutes."

Once his wounds had healed we headed to the safe house, following a path with little moonlight peeking through the heavy canopy above. We arrived at a beautiful meadow covered in flowers that seem to sparkle blue against the moonlight where Catherine was the only one waiting for all of us.

"I was beginning to worry."

"We had to wait until Aaron was healed," Jack said as he stood in the center and the flowers circling him vanished as an act of magic. He motioned for everyone to stand closer and we did, then the ground was moving.

As we descended into the earth, I glanced up to see the opening closing, hiding the beautiful star filled sky. When the heat returned with vengeance, I clung to Catherine, who simply laughed.

"I can't endure this every month."

"Once this is all over, I'll be able to make you something for it, unless someone can go fetch me some herbs." She smiled at Jack.

He thought for a moment. "It's not a good idea for any of us to head out."

"It's fine," I said, keeping my gaze on the ground.

It was astounding that after Aaron marked me, the heat was more intense and only they could sense it. Jack might have not have been the one to mark me, but we were after all beloveds, bound by our blood bond just as now, I was connected to Aaron through our marks.

"So," Catherine said as we stopped moving. "Did you all have fun last night?"

Jack obviously shot Catherine a look that said her question was inappropriate. Aaron clearly seemed to want to smile, but tried his best not to, even attempting to hide it when it peeked through by pretending to clean dirt of his cheek and lips.

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