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AS I LAY ON the bed bundled up in the warm blankets an agonizing burning pain spread through my veins. Still, I was not going to feed. I would rather starve to death than drink that bastard's blood.

The hunger must have been driving me insane; I could hear Aaron's sweet voice in my mind, as a soft whisper, but of course, that was impossible.

Jackson had injected me with something that blocked my bond to Aaron.

My eyes snapped open when his voice became clearer. I sat up and drew the sheets back before trying to stand. When I did, my legs wobbled beneath me and gave out. I hit the floor hard and grunted.

My throat burned and it was hard to swallow. "Aaron?" A soft sob escaped my lips when the pain intensified, forcing tears to trickle down my cheeks against my will.


I could actually hear him in my head, as I had that day in front of the door of his room.

But this was impossible; A vampire and a werewolf couldn't connect.

I narrowed my eyes as a soothing warm sensation spread through my body, but this time, it was not painful. After leaning my back against the frame of the bed, I rested my head back. The sensations intensified, making me press my lips together to not let any sound out. My eyes fluttered closed as I felt a gentle caress throughout every inch of my body.

What the hell was happening to me?

Do you feel better?

I sure didn't feel any pain now; On the contrary, now my body craved for his touch.

I'm sorry. I was trying to test something. Please, open your eyes.

How is this posible...Jackson—

I know what he did...He underestimated our bond. Please, open your eyes.

The last part was like a demand even though it didn't sound like it. My eyes opened and I glanced around the room. As my eyesight enhanced, I realized my eyes were being used not by me but Aaron, as he had done in the limousine with Eliot.

Do you remember how you got here?

I thought of what happened. How I had been dragged out of the limousine and then forced to leap into what I guessed was a portal.


What is it?

You could be anywhere. If you went through a portal it can be difficult for me to find you, but we can give it a try. Go outside.

Legs trembling, I stood and walked into the small hallway. When I reached the living room, I was not surprised to see Jack on the sofa, reading a book. He had told me that I had to feed sooner or later and he would wait until I was ready. But I would never be ready. No. I couldn't feed when it clouded my mind. The lust from the feed was hard to control and I wasn't going to take any chances.

"Are you ready?"

A soft growl in my head told me that Aaron was still connected.

"No, but I would like to get some fresh air."

Jack stood and faced me, eyes scrutinizing me. "Okay." As he headed for the door, I followed a couple of steps behind. He stood in the opened doorway and motioned for me to go ahead. When I did, I resented it. The fragrance of the blood coursing through his veins hit me the moment I was beside him. I clung to the doorframe, trying to regain control. My fangs elongated and I parted my lips before the tips pierced my bottom one.

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