V2: Chapter Thirty Seven

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After the bodies were recovered, Aaron locked himself in his room, not wanting to see anyone. Kendra stood in front of the door, hand against her chest as his pain affected her, making her knees week. She leaned her head on the door, wanting to see him to make certain that he was okay. "Aaron, please don't isolate yourself...I'm here for you...We both are."

Jackson stood a couple of feet from her, eyes locked on the wooden floor. A growl erupted from his lips before he walked passed her, forcing the door opened. She froze a moment, her gaze falling over Aaron, who was sitting at the end of the bed, face in his hands, clearly unleashing all the pain within.

Not once before had she ever witnessed her mate so broken.

She rushed to his side and wrapped her arms around him, fighting back tears to no avail. Knowing that no words could ease his pain, she focused on her bond to him. A weak smile played on her lips when Jack placed a hand on his shoulder, clearly trying to help her. Their mate bond together was stronger than hers alone.

During the burial of the council members, only family was allowed to attend, and everyone had to confirm their identities. Unfortunately, Annabel and Bonnie had to be kept calm with herbs created by Zoe, so they were unable to attend. Both women were close to losing their minds. Kendra tightened her hold on her mates' hands, understanding that Bonnie and Annabel had lost part of themselves.

Everyone was given a month's time to mourn before new council members had to be elected.

After the burial, Kendra stood in front of the river in her land with her mates. Neither of them spoke as the calm cold breeze pushed her hair back and the birds chirped high in the canopy. She glanced at Aaron, hating that he seemed so broken.

"We all know who the wolves will vote to be their King," Jack said.

Aaron remained quiet.

"Aaron?" Kendra reached to him and took hold of his hand, giving it a slight squeeze.

He seemed to snap out of the trance. "I can't lead...Not right now." He paused, clearly struggling to not break down. "This hatred in my heart...It will bring nothing good."


"Kendra, the council members should have never trusted the humans. They held a meeting open to any human who wanted to attend--"

"Aaron, those humans were unaware that there were Slayers amongst them," Jack stated.

A growl erupted from Aaron. "I disagree. They have been wanting the council members eliminated--Rumors had already spread that humans were making alliances with the slayers because they seek to rule the world once again." He stepped closer to Jack, eyes flashing amber. "If I am to become King, I will end the alliance with the humans."

Aaron attempted to leave, but Kendra caught his hand. "This isn't you...Please..." She hugged him. For a moment, he remained frozen before he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a squeeze. "I know your pain is great, but you can't let it consume you, my love." She cupped his face in her hands after pulling back. "You're not alone..." When he leaned his head on hers, she closed her eyes, tears sliding down her face.

Later that day, Kendra headed to Annabel's room to check on her. She was still living at the mansion, but since no one wanted her alone, there were many guards around the building and Aiko decided to move in to keep a close eye on her. When Kendra walked into the bedroom, she found Anabel staring out of the window, a hand on her large belly.

"Two days...In two days I will welcome my babies into this world..." She inhaled. "I don't feel anything...I should feel elated..." She glanced at Kendra then, her eyes sparkling with tears. "The doctor says I need to stay calm--that stress is not good---but how could I feel anything other than sorrow when I just lost the man I love? I have lost part of me..." She pressed a hand over her temple, closing her eyes before she let out a sob. She broke the distance and clasped Kendra's hands. "If anything happens, please promise me you'll protect my children..."

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