V2: Chapter Thirty One

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Kendra stood in the mist of the forest covered in a blanket of snow that glimmered against the dazzling sunlight. She raised her hand to catch one of the many snowflakes that fluttered to the ground all around them.

Aaron stopped beside her, his narrowed eyes scanning the area. "We should be at the territory soon."

Jack was a couple of feet in front of them, hand on the handgun at his side. Even though she had been briefed about the current mission, she still couldn't comprehend why Jack would bring that when if things didn't go as planned, their wolves could take out any threat without problem.

"Is there something I haven't been told?" The cold wind blew, making her hold the hood of her cape. "If what Nicolas suspects is true, are you both simply going to take this alpha down without even trying to reason with him?"

"Love," Aaron began. "He might not give us a choice. If he has lost his mind, the second he detects any sort of threat, he will lash out. If he does, we will kill him without hesitation before he can harm anyone."

"What if he hasn't gone mad?"

At Jack's word, both Aaron and Kendra stared at him in bewilderment. This Alpha's wife had died many years ago and now, he was claiming she had returned. If he wasn't mad, then how the hell had his wife been brought back to life?

If anything, from what she had learned, this couldn't be good at all. It would point to the rumors that this was a ghoul being true, which meant that they had to act fast and eliminate the threat.

There was no doubt when they had crossed into the pack's territory. The moment they had, many wolves stood around them, growling in warning, which resulted in Aaron growling right back, his eyes glowing amber.

"Where is your alpha?"

"I'm right here, my prince."

Kendra turned to come face to face with a tall male, taller than both of her mates. The determination in his eyes told her that he knew what they were there for and he wasn't about to go down without a fight.

"We heard that your wife is back," she said, trying her best to not sound hostile. "You know that can't be true. Records say she died long ago, Aden."

At a sound, Kendra didn't take off her eyes from the alpha, knowing that whatever had walked behind them, had Jack's full attention as he stood between her and Aaron.

"That's my wife, Willow...Look at her and tell that isn't her..."

Kendra was tempted but it would be foolish if she too became too distracted. She had to focus on the alpha while Jack focused on the supposed Luna. Aaron kept an eye on the rest of the pack. All three were ready for the attack, but it never came.

"I do not wish to fight, my prince," Aden stated simply, sounding as if he was exhausted. "I've told your father that all I want is for us to be left alone."

"My father suspect you've grown mad."

"If that we're true, it would have been a foolish move to send his heir here unprotected."

Kendra scowled at Aden. "Was that supposed to be an insult? Jack and I are enough to protect our mate."

"You're all so young...and arrogant."

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