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WHEN THE TWENTY-FOUR hours were up, I decided to not join Jack down in the cells to know what Aaron's decision was. Instead, I headed into the showers, aware that all of Jack's adherents were with him.

I had no idea for how long I was there.

I stood under the shower head, letting the drops splatter against my body. Until, the door slid open. With unimaginable speed, I took the towel and wrapped it around my torso. Of course, the second my gaze fell upon the one told to hurry up, I became immobilized.

Aaron stood there covered in dirt and blood from head to toe and behind him Eliot grinned. When I went to walk around Aaron, he moved to the same direction. Was it intentional? Doubt it. Because it happened twice and we both looked uncomfortable while of course Eliot tried to not laugh at our awkwardness.

"You haven't changed a bit," Eliot said shoving passed us into one of the stalls.

After Aaron stepped aside, I left the showers, heart about to burst. The ones guarding the door seemed stunned when I walked out. I didn't care that I was in a damn towel and had forgotten my clothes. All I wanted was to get to the safe confinement of my room.

Once I finished getting dressed, I decided to accompany my family at the dinning table, along with Catherine and Anna. Anna and Lana seemed to have become the best of friends. As I stared at them, I truly hoped the friendship lasted and overcame any obstacle...unlike Bonnie and me.

As soon as I took a bite of the meat, I gagged and covered my mouth.

Catherine glared at me. "Hey, I thought I did great with your mother's recipe."

Still, holding my hand over my lips, I shook my head. "It's not that—I—I..."

"You!" At Lana's shout, I lifted my gaze to find Aaron and Eliot at the main foyer. Lana jumped out of the chair and sprinted toward Aaron, shoving him back. Of course, she was much smaller and didn't matter if she was werwolf as well. She never would overpower him. Mom ran to her and held her back, telling her to calm down.

"You lied to me! You said I could see my sister whenever I wanted! That I could call her every day—but you lied!"

I rose to my feet, ignoring the aching in my stomach and throat and how my legs wobbled. When I tried to walk toward them, everything began to go round and round. My fangs elongated at the sweet fragrance in the air.

"Lana calm down," My mother begged, but Lana seemed to have lost all control; her eyes shone gold as she spoke, her canine's visible, but I couldn't hear what she was saying. I clung to the table as mother and Catherine pulled her upstairs, Ana following behind.

Aaron met my gaze, the pain at Lana's outburst evident in his eyes. He must have noticed I wasn't feeling good. He inched closer, but I stepped back, shaking my head. The closer he got, the stronger the intoxicating scent became.

He smells divine. My mouth watered at the thought of sinking my teeth into his neck. As I recalled feeding from him before, the desire within me grew.

No...I have to fight it...Aaron isn't food.

The moment he reached out to help me, I grabbed him by the shoulders and slammed him against the wall before I sunk my teeth into his neck. I was wrenched back by Eliot and I swung my hand with all the force I could muster.

He flew across the dinning room. When I turned back to Aaron, he held a hand against my shoulder, but it weakened as I stared into his eyes. Was I compelling him? I had no idea, but the hand fell and I bit him again, almost moaning from pure bliss as his divine blood poured into my mouth.

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