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As Juliet took a seat across from me, I couldn't stop staring, many questions bombarding my mind, yet I did not ask any. It was still difficult to comprehend that she was actually here.

How did she find Jack?

The second my mother walked into the meeting room, she froze and stared at Juliet in complete disbelief. Juliet rose to her feet and hugged my mother. When Mother stepped away, gaze on the ground, my eyes narrowed in confusion.

Aaron sat beside me, the necklace in his hands. "How did you find Jackson and the team? It seems suspicious that after such a long time, you decide to show your face now." Aaron shot Juliet a look, which she seemed to ignore.

"When Jackson and Kendra called out to the packs, I sensed it. It took me days, but I made it to the territory and that was when I ran into Jackson. At first, he did not believe me, but..." Her voice trailed off as she lifted the hem of her shirt to reveal a mark identical to mine.

"Jack is not my brother. If he was, my father would have sensed the blood connection." Aaron closed his fingers over the pendant, his knuckles turning white before meeting Juliet's gaze. "Explain that."

But before Juliet could respond, a sound like thunder made me jump. Eliot stood, hand on the table, the crack beneath evidence that he had slammed it against the wood surface. "How could you stand here and pretend to be the victim?"

Juliet's eyes turned amber. "And you believe your father is?"

Eliot's nails elongated to wolf claws and as his spoke, his canine were visible. "My father lives by the old ways. Years ago, a betrayal was paid by death. Your friend slept with many men—"

"My friend was no—"

"Then explain to me who is my mate's father?"

Juliet stayed silent.

"It wasn't my father or the vampire she cheated with."

"She was pregnant already when she met Nicolas."

Eliot raised an eyebrow. "And my father still accepted her as his mate?"

"I know what my friend did was wrong, but she ran to protect Jackson. We all know that he was to be executed as well."

"Jackson is my sibling—I feel like you are lying. You two knew he was my father's son and ran not for his safety—"

"We thought Jackson was Oliver's son, but then soon we realized he wasn't. And it was too late to return home. Your father destroyed our homes—Everything!"

"He had every right to! You betrayed him and deserved to be punished for your deceit." Eliot moved with unimaginable speed and stood inches away from Juliet. Catherine managed to match his speed and held him back by the arm. "That woman deserves to be executed. Not only did she betray my father, but turned her back on her children. Explain to me where she was as her daughter was raped over and over. Explain it!"

Catherine's eyes were enveloped in tears as she tried to push him away. "Eliot, please. Come on. You need to calm down."

He jerked away and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him closed. Catherine hesitated for a moment, but followed him soon after. I sat in silence, trying to process what Eliot had said. If Jackson's mother was alive, then why did she not try to save her children?

Why doesn't she face Nicolas?

Aaron set the necklace down on the table. "Clearly, she cares about no one but herself. If she cared for her children, she would have turned herself to my father long ago." He rose to his feet and tossed the necklace to Jackson. "A lot of things don't add up. Do not expect my siblings and I to trust you just because you are my mate's ancestor." Then, he was out the door, followed by his friends and Jezebel.

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