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AFTER FRANK LEFT, I stood for what seemed like an eternity in front of my master's door, listening to the perilous thunder storm. I probably had stood there all day, trying to decide what to do. The hand I held the key with trembled against my will as I stood there, frozen. I inched closer, lifted my hand, but didn't insert the key.


When there was no answer, I pushed the key in, but froze, wondering if this was a smart move; however, I remembered all the days I didn't even get to see my parents because of the many hours they worked to give my baby sister and me everything we needed.

The second I turned the key, I took a step back as the door creaked open. Thunder rumbled in the sky and my heart palpitated out of control when the lights flickered before everything fell into complete darkness.

At a soft growl within the darkness, I almost crumbled to my feet with fear, but as crazy as it may sound, that growl translated to me as a challenge. Perhaps, he thought I would run back into my room and lock the door, terrified of him.

Maybe that was the smart thing to do.

Instead, I took a step into the dark room, chin held high. I had no idea where the sudden confidence—bravery came from, but that all shattered apart when the lights flickered back on for a mere second, giving me a glimpse of a white wolf feet away from me.

I had never seen such huge beast.

I staggered back and tripped, collapsing to the floor. When the moonlight that managed to enter the room reflected upon his piercing blue eyes, they seemed to shine amber. I despised how weak—pathetic I looked; trembling on the ground, but I couldn't hide the fear coursing through my veins as those golden eyes locked me in place.

A white paw moved forward as he lowered his upper body to the floor, eyes still locked upon me. A large scar stretched from his muzzle up to the left eye. The moonlight reflected upon him, making his white fur shine slightly silver. When he was near my feet, I tried to pull them away, but his growl froze my entire body.

My lips parted, but nothing came out. I was frozen on the floor, for the first time in my life laying eyes upon one of the creatures said to be at the top of the list of most dangerous. When his paw touched the side of my ankle, I struggled to not kick at him. That would only infuriate him.

Pressing my lips between my teeth, I turned my face away from the wolf as he inched closer. My eyes squeezed shut the moment his wolf fur tickled my skin like a feather. A soft growl had my heart pounding in my ribs. My hands twitched with the urgency to push him away, to protect myself...or was it with the need to touch him?

At a soft growl, I turned my face and opened my eyes to meet golden ones staring intently at mine.

Not so brave now, little pet.

Eyes wide, I stared at him, wondering how on earth I could hear his voice in my head. The moment he stepped back, I staggered to my feet, a hand on the wall for balance. My eyes almost popped out of their sockets when the door closed behind me.

What do you plan to do now, pet?

"Convince you to come out." A soft deep laughter echoed in my head. "I'm being serious."

And how do you plan to do so?

I had no damn idea. "Look, all I want is to fulfill the duties stated in the contract, so that my family can receive the money promised."

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