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AFTER JACK SHIFTED back to his human form, he grabbed under my arm and hauled me to my feet. At the skin-to-skin contact, tingles shot all the way to my shoulder. I tried to jerk away, despising the sensations spreading through my body.

The door behind him slid open before a young female with soft violet curls falling down to her hips walked into the room. For a brief moment, when the she met my gaze, I could have sworn there was a hint of pity in her large round violet eyes, but it had to be my imagination.

Jack spoke in Spanish. At that moment, I was glad that I had learned the language thanks to Nick. "Take her upstairs and clean her."

She walked around him and grabbed my forearm. Ignoring my demands for her to release me, that I was no rag doll for her to manhandle, she tugged me out of the small room into a narrowed isolated corridor. As she led me toward what I guessed to be an elevator, I tried to wrench my arm free, but all I gained was to almost have it torn from my shoulder.

Once inside the elevator, the female released me, muttering something in Spanish under her breath, which because of my now enhanced hearing, I heard as if she had shouted the words into my ear. "What is he thinking? Aaron will not stop until he gets his beloved back—" She stopped muttering and changed to English before turning to face me, her violet eyes flickering amber. "My brother is not as bad as he seems."

"I'm sorry, but I find that difficult to believe after what he has done to me. Changing me against my will is not something I see as a noble act."

She pressed her hand against her temple as if she had a headache before giving me her back. "Aaron is no saint. I'm not saying my brother is—but how can you even consider one a monster and the other not when they have both done horrible things. Both have spilled blood."

"I never said Aaron was free of sin." I leaned against the wall furthest away from her, suddenly feeling claustrophobic in the small space.

"Perhaps you would change your mind if I told you that my brother wants to free the humans."

My eyes widened. "Why would he do such thing?"

After the doors slid open, she grabbed my forearm to lead me into an elegantly decorated hall. "Perhaps you should ask him that yourself."

"I think he wants to free the humans, just to have fun hunting them. I've heard of how vampires and werewolves enjoy the chase."

She let go of my arm and whirled around to face me, her violet hair fanning out around her. "My brother believes it is time for the humans to fend for themselves. You have no idea what the decision the kings made have caused amongst our people. Freeing the humans will end so much chaos."

I glared at her. "I'm no fool. Your brother wants to take away the protection of the kings and without that, any vampire, werewolf—any creature—can murder humans without punishment whatsoever. That is what your brother wants: for the human race to cease-to-exist."

She tugged me down the hall to the main foyer. I almost lost my footing ascending the grand stairs as she obligated me to move faster. When we reached our destination, she finally released me. I expected to see a bruise on the spot, but there wasn't any.

The door slid open to reveal an elegant large bedroom. I walked into it and stood in front of the king-sized bed. When my gaze fell upon the dress on it, I turned to face her. "What is that for?"

"I thought you might want to look your best for your meeting with Aaron."

At that, my heart leaped in overdrive. "Jack is releasing me?"

"You are part of our clan and are free to come and go as you wish."

I narrowed my eyes, wondering if her words had any truth to them. Then, I realized what had changed about Jack's plan. He didn't need to keep me here against my will because our bond would draw me back like a moth to a flame.

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