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FOR HOURS WE walked through the forest in complete silence. Before I knew it, I was struggling to keep up with him, darkness shrouding my vision. Not even the moonlight seemed able to light up the forest through the thick canopy. When I tripped over what I guessed to be an outgrown root, I hissed in irritation.


"I am concentrating."

"No, you are not. If you were, you would be more than capable of walking in complete darkness."

"Sorry, but I haven't gotten this vampire thing perfected." I stumbled for like the millionth time, bumping against him. The electricity that shot through my body irritated me even more. I clenched my fists as I inhaled, trying my best to not take out my aggravation on nature.

Right now, smashing my hands against the bark of the trees sounded pleasing.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked after stepping back.

"To safety."

"I want to return—" At the snarls and growls, my mouth froze, half open.

From everywhere, amber orbs loomed out from the darkness. As I glanced up, I realized I was getting better at this. From where I stood, I could see all the beautiful stars scattered in the sky, the clouds not being an obstacle at all.

My body flinched at a deep growl. Not intending to, I inched closer to Jack, seeking his protection. I felt somewhat relieved when Catherine loomed out of the cover of darkness into the moonlight that now managed to peek through the canopy...or perhaps I could see better now.

Wasting no time, Catherine ran to her brother and engulfed him in a hug. "I was starting to worry."

My body shuddered when Lycans stepped forward. The fear did not leave me, even after each of them shifted into their human forms, dressed as an act of magic. Each of them seemed built of pure muscle and had an intimidating gaze that made me hide behind Jack an attempt to shield myself from them.

"I did not believe it when the team returned speaking of how you took Aaron's little pet." There was a pause. "You turned her...why?"

"I'll explain everything later," Jack said. "We need to get to the compound."

Without another word, the males shifted and sprinted forward. Jackson stretched his arm out toward me. I stared at it for what seemed like an eternity. Now, without the fear of a slayer capturing me and killing me, all I wanted was to return to see my family.

"Kendra, you cannot return to Bevelon," Jackson said as if reading my thoughts. "If you do, they will find you and take you by force. It is not something common for a vampire to be cable of controlling air."

"Is it normal for a hybrid to be capable of teleporting around?" I folded my arms across my chest. "Besides, haven't you taken me by force? How are you any better than them?"

His demeanor changed. I swallowed as I stared into his darkening eyes.

"When the kings figure out who you are, they will kill you without a second thought—And don't think for once that being Aaron's favorite will save you. The kings will not risk chaos for him, not even his father."

I stood there frozen at his words.

"And I have not once forced you to do anything...but if I wanted, I could."

I knitted my eyebrows. "You wouldn't dare."

He broke the distance and grabbed a fistful of my hair, forcing me to tilt my head back so our eyes would meet. "You have no idea what I'm capable of. Do not test me."

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