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"YOU TRICKED ME," I said as I descended the grand staircase with Aaron. At a soft growl, I glanced down to find him already at the bottom, waiting for me.

I never promised that I would be in human form, did I?

No, he didn't.

Folding my hands over my chest, I glared at him. "Well, you didn't tell me you were going to be in your wolf form either, did you?"

God, I could almost see him grin.

We walked down the corridor, everyone greeting him with a bow and a smile. He walked with his head high, with confidence, as if everyone in the corridor was below him.

When we finally reached the door that led to the backyard, I pushed it opened and took in the sweet fragrance of the flowers. Aaron walked outside and ran like a bat from hell. I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I didn't expect him to act so childish. He ran around and sniffed all the flowers, also chased a couple of white birds from the garden path.

Perhaps he had been staring out that window for far too long, craving for the taste of nature.

I sat down on one of the white benches and watched him, as I had watched my husky at the park, but of course, this was no dog.

After a couple of minutes, he rested his head on my lap. "The breeze feels nice." I smiled as I closed my eyes. "I hope that we can come again."

As many times as you wish, love.

My smile was glued to my face. "I would love to visit other places—like the beach."

He lifted his head. Love, I'll take you wherever you wish.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Even back home?" At that he moved away from me. "Aaron, I want to visit them."

A gasp escaped my lips when another wolf tackled him to the ground. "Oh my god! Aaron!"

Frank came and held me back. "It's okay. It's just Jezebel."

"She scared the hell out of me." My heart was beating so fast, I was afraid it would burst. I inhaled and exhaled in attempt to calm myself down.

He stood beside me, a smile on his lips. "She didn't mean to."

The smaller golden wolf had its ears pinned back as it barked at Aaron, who stood there looking smug. I shook my head as I folded my arms over my chest. "He's really arrogant."

Frank chortled. "All alphas are, even Jezebel."

Soon, they were both tackling each other; play biting each other ears and legs. Sometimes they moved so fast that they seemed like two large fur balls moving around the garden.

I sat back down on the bench, wishing I had grabbed a book or something. It was a beautiful day to sit below a tree and just read. The breeze moved my hair back and I closed my eyes relishing it.

When I reopened them, I found Aaron standing in front of me. Nature seems to relax you as it does any wolf.

"It does." Who wouldn't fall in love with nature when they had spent most of their life behind walls?

Jezebel came in her human form with Frank beside her. He tossed a black T-shirt and jeans in the air. I stifled a laugh when Aaron caught it. Something must have shown on my face or something because Frank and Jezebel smiled at me when I glance from one to the other, so I wouldn't see Aaron once again as he had come to this world.

He stood beside me, a little too close; my shoulder brushed against his arm, a spark like fire shooting through me. Aaron turned his face and met mine. I couldn't stop smiling like a damn fool.

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