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When I tried to pull my hands free from the chains encircling them, it was as if blazing fire spread through my skin, setting it a blaze. A cry tore from my lips before my body shook against my will. Nicolas stared at me, emotionless. He didn't even seem happy about my predicament.

"I should have known my son would not be strong enough to fight the bond."

I glared at him. "Let me go." Honestly, I didn't care about anything he had to say. I just wanted to return home and make sure my family—everyone was okay. We had been betrayed by someone within the compound.

It was not safe for anyone anymore.

"He should have killed you once inside your safe haven."

My eyes narrowed in bewilderment. "You are out of your mind."

"Betrayal is paid by death, Kendra."

"I never betrayed your son."

He moved too fast for my eyes to follow. I bit back a gasp of shock when a blade was pressed against my jaw.

Nicolas inched closer, his electric blue eyes glowing amber. "Then what would you call what you have done? I know Jack keeps no one against their will. You chose to stay with him, instead of returning home to my son."

"Do not try to make me seem like the bad guy here—You tried to kill me. You sent your pack to murder my family. If it wasn't for Jack, they would be my father."

For a moment, there was bewilderment in his eyes, but he recollected himself within seconds. "Do you really believe Jack did everything out of kindness? He needed my son and he would only get him if he had you first." He inched closer, never breaking eye contact as he put more pressure on the blade, presumably drawing blood. "He bonded with you to force Aaron to do everything he wants."

"He bonded with me to—"

"To stop you from growing mad with blood lust?" I was glad when he stepped back. A humorless laugh escaped his lips. "You are as naive as I was at your age."

"We are nothing alike."

"No. You are correct. You are just like Isabella."

I shot him a look. "I am nothing like her."

His knuckles turned white as he tightened his hold on the dagger. "Yet, you love two men as she did. You use the mate bond to fool my son, as she fooled me."

My eyes widened at the revelation. "Isabella, she was your true mate."

His eyes grew dark. "She used our bond to deceive me just because she sought to become more powerful, to have wealth."

"You're lying. She was a royal—"

"Yes, she is royalty, but her father, the alpha of her pack destroyed their wealth leaving them without nothing. Our marriage was to save her pack. Even though she was pregnant with the child of a wolf who died in battle, I chose her to be my wife because I sensed our bond."

"Your bond did not force her to be with you. You should have known better than to believe such thing."

He smiled. "As I said, I was naive and believed she would eventually love me, but of course, as you know, I was wrong. She fell in love with a friend of mine—a man I had entrusted to protect her whilst I was out making sure our packs were safe."

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"So you understand that I am not the villain of the story."

"You killed many due to the actions of your mate."

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