V2: Chapter Thirty-Eight

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When Brent tried to come closer, Lana shoved him back. Not having much strength left, she stumbled forward in the process. Her sister caught her by the upper arm, stopping her body from hitting the ground. Lana held her hands on her belly, feeling her baby move as if he were having a party in her stomach.

"Pathetic..." Kendra was saying, staring into the distance. "She couldn't fight me on her own, so she got some of her pack to attack us."

Lana stared at Brent before a scream of utter shock escaped her lips when a huge Lycan grabbed him by the shoulder, sharp claws ripping through the fabric, most likely his skin as well. The Lycan picked him up as if he weighed nothing and slammed him against the ground, sending dirt particles into the air all around them. Even the ground seemed to crack under the force of the blow.

When another loomed out of the heavy darkness, Kendra let go of Lana and jumped in front of it. "Stop! He was not the one who attacked us."

Lana rushed to Brent's side after the Lycan released him, shifting back to Aaron. Lana stared at him a bit surprised. She had expected Jackson was the one to have lost all self-control. Usually, Aaron was the one to hold on to it, until pushed over the edge.

Jack shifted back and hugged Kendra. "We couldn't track your fragrance...it was all over the place."

Kendra pulled back just to be embraced in Aaron's hug. "Who the hell did this?"

Lana stood beside Brent, meeting her sister's gaze. "That's not of importance at the moment---I want to go to the pack house and make sure my baby is okay." Aaron and Jackson stared at Brent with unhidden hatred. Lana wiped the blood from her lips. "He saved my life....and Kendra's....Please..."

Beside her appeared Zane, who shoved Brent back. "How can you trust him--He is a slayer."

"Half slayer."

Lana glanced at Brent. His marks had stopped glowing, marks that she had never noticed before. He must have used some sort of shadowing spell or something to hide them from everyone around him, even her.

"You are trespassing—"

"He isn't--I was told it was okay for him to visit me--"

Zane knitted his eyebrows together. "That's because everyone believed him to be human, Lana."

Perhaps she should have been mad at Brent, but they had been friends for years. Even after knowing the truth, it didn't change the love she had for him. He was her best friend, the one who had helped her through hard times. If he wanted her dead, he could have killed her long ago.

Lana was surprised when Vance appeared beside her and began to inspect her wounds. "I'll take her to the pack doctor."

"I--I'm okay." Did he remember everything?

"Take him to one of the cells," Aaron ordered.

"W—What? No."

Brent's marks began to glow again as he stepped back. Before he could do anything, something tore through the air and encircled itself around his wrists, pulling his hands together in front of him. The hand cuff like object appeared to be made up of metal with blue flames flowing through it that to her relief didn't seem to be burning Brent.


"I trusted a slayer once and he betrayed us," Jack said.

"I know, but—" She stopped speaking when Brent was taken by Zane, presumably to Bevelon Prison. If she wanted, she could easily get him out, but doing such thing would only have worse consequences. Lana jerked away from Vance with a growl before following Zane. She was grabbed and pulled back.

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