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AS I TOOK a seat on the sofa across from Jack, I was still trying to process the fact that the child I had seen earlier was a descendant of the woman Aaron had loved. "How did you even know Annabel?"

Jack folded his arms across his chest. "Annabel was my source inside."

"No." I shook my head. "She couldn't be."

"She was. Why is it so difficult to believe?"

"Aaron would have noticed."

A mischievous smile on his lips, he stepped closer. "How could he when he was blind by love? I told him once that it would be his downfall and if everything would have gone according to plan...they would all be long dead."

"I don't believe you. Why would Annabel turn against her own?"

"Her parents were against everything the kings stood for...and because of that, they were executed. As I said before, the kings will do anything to maintain order...even kill their own just for having different believes." He took a seat beside me, staring into the distance. "She was a great tracker and managed to find me. At first, I didn't trust her, but slowly she gained not only my trust but everyone's in the compound as well. The objective was to kill the royals...every single one."

"What happened?"

"Aaron must have told you how they went to take out a rogue group. Well, it was all set up by Nicolas and Lucius. Annabel didn't notice it was a trap until it was too late. At first, I thought that it was because her cover had been blown, but no. It was because they discovered she had fallen for a human in the sector she patrolled with the other guards every Thursday."

"This makes no sense at all. How is Ana her descendant?"

"She hid her pregnancy from them and gave birth here to a human child."

"And the male human?"

"He was executed at the sector days after Annabel was murdered."

"What Sector?"


My eyes widened.

"It seems the human had a child of his own and that child grew up to have his own family."

"So, Ana has a sibling in Sector Fifteen?"

Jackson nodded. "Annabel spoke of many half-breeds hiding in the sectors; they knew if their existence was known, the kings would exterminate them all. It seems as your family is one of them."

My eyes narrowed at his words. "Annabel lied." He was about to say something but I spoke again. "Nicolas knows about my family...If what you say was true, he would have killed us, but he didn't. On the contrary, he chose me for his son."

He held my gaze, eyes darkening. "He used you to get Aaron out. I doubt he would have acted the same if you were not an alpha. Female alphas are able to calm down any male...Because of who you are, you were able to calm Aaron by your mere presence."

"You're using me as well..." My voice trailed off as I broke eye contact. I fought tears back as I got lost in my head. "I have a feeling the kings weren't only protecting the humans from those outside the sectors."

"You're trying to find a reason to excuse their actions, but there isn't any. Nicolas and Lucious are great at pretending to be something they are not."

"If you claim that Nicolas is a heartless bastard, then why do you expect him to give you what you want in return for me? If what you claim is true, you're nothing but a fool for thinking this is going to end the way you want it to...You know that no matter what they've done, their is still good in them."

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