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When I tried to pull my hands free from the chains encircling them, it was as if blazing fire spread through my skin, setting it a blaze. A cry tore from my lips before my body shook against my will. Nicolas stared at me, emotionless. He didn't even seem happy about my predicament.

I realized that there was someone else in the room, standing beside a large metal door. Lucious stared at me, evident hatred in his eyes. "It seems she didn't only manage to entangle your son in her web, but also Jack."

I tried my best to keep an unfathomable expression when Nicolas stepped closer, grabbing a fist full of my hair and yanking my head to the side to take a better look at the mark on my neck. He stepped back after letting go of my hair, eyes pitch-black.

I smiled. "Do you plan to kill me? Then do it!"

Lucious was now the one to come closer. "Oh, but there are far worse punishments than death, Kendra."

I bit back a gasp of shock when a blade was pressed against my jaw. Ignoring Lucious, I glanced at Nicolas. "Are you aware that he sent an group to try to murder your children?" A cry escaped my lips when the dagger was shoved on into my thigh. I glared at Lucious and snarled.

"I have to admit that you're great at lying."

"You're insane." I struggled against the chains, ignoring how they burned wherever they touched my skin. "Nicolas, you're stronger than a stupid curse—" A strike to my face silenced me for a moment before I growled, wolf claws digging into the arm rest. "Lucious wants to be the only ruler! That's why he cursed you!" Another blow that I was certain had broken my nose and lips. I laughed. "Go ahead. Kill me!" I met Lucious gaze head on. "You stand no chance against them and you know it. That's why you tried so hard to tear them apart, but all you've done is bring them closer."

"Do you really think Jack did everything out of kindness?"

Again, I laughed. "Unlike you, Jack never claimed to be a good guy."

When the door opened, my heart dropped. "Elizabeth." Since I was a child, I had gone to the dinner own by Shelly that Elizabeth worked at along with Zoe. The look on her eyes was far from bubbly, but dead, as if all life had been sucked out of her.

"It seems Jack has made a lot of enemies. Because of
him there was an attack on Sector 15 and your acquaintance here lost someone she loved deeply."


"Don't you dare defend him! Shelly is dead because of him!" She moved and placed her hand on my stomach, making my eyes grow wide. Pain engulfed my stomach and spread through my body. Yet, I didn't scream at the top of my lungs and clung to the arm rest, feeling my insides be set ablaze.


Elizabeth leaned closer. "You think you're unbreakable? Everyone has a limit, Kendra."

"What—What the hell are you doing!"

Lucious smiled from where he stood. "Ensuring that you become useless to both of them."

My eyes grew wide as I stared at Elizabeth's hand over my stomach. I struggled against the chains even harder now, knowing the only thing Aaron or Jack cherished most, what would guarantee that Aaron could take the throne.

"Neither will want anything from a woman who can't bare children. After all, that is what an Alpha desires. To continue their bloodline."

"You fool." It was difficult to move my lips. "Jack—Jack has Ana."

"All alphas seek a powerful male heir."

Tears fought to rise as a chanting began all around us. The wind picked up force, sending my hair in all direction. Elizabeth placed her other hand over my forehead, the chanting becoming stronger in my mind. There was a tingle in my head as she searched through my memories, twisting them.

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