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After the battle, I thought we would head back home, but apparently, our presence was needed elsewhere. While Aaron used his telepathic ability to connect with everyone in the compound to inform then that we were all okay, I was led into a room in the mansion by Jezebel.

"What exactly are we doing here?"

"An emergency meeting is being held." She left the room, returning a couple of minutes later with a beautiful red gown that had intricate golden embroidery all over the torso.  I stepped closer, running my fingers over the soft fabric. "What's this for?"

"Well, it's something an alpha would wear in meetings."

"I can't—"

"Aaron, Jackson and you are the leaders of the Darklights. That is the name the pack chose before we headed into battle." She smiled, handing me the dress.

I had known that this was the goal. Lead our packs once again, but now that it was a reality, fear spread through me. Being an alpha was far from a walk in the park. Any decision we made, affected everyone. Every time we ran into battle, many lives would be lost.

I already got a small taste of it.

I would be lying if I said that I was okay with the entire package of being the alpha...instead of being a mundane girl just living life like everyone else.

I could still walk away from this if I desired so, right?

A couple of minutes later, I descended the stairs, hand on the rail, Jezebel by my side, wearing a gown alike to mine, except hers was white and gold.

At the bottom of the stairs, Catherine, Bonnie and Zoe smiled at me. Catherine stood by my side the moment I reached them. She turned me to face her, a blinding smile on her lips.

"You look gorgeous."

When her gaze lifted toward the top part of the grand stairs, I followed it to be left breathless. Just at the sight of them, it became difficult to breathe, to think straight. Both looked stunning in the red suit with the same gold details as my dress.

"Oh, wow." Catherine chuckled. "Jack, never thought I'd see you in a suit."

Jack seemed to visibly hate the suit, perhaps not feeling so comfortable in it. "Don't get used to it."

Aaron smiled, raising his hand as he fixed the sleeve cuff of his shirt that peeked through his jacket long enough for my gaze to fall upon the button that looked like a howling wolf.  "I'm not sure if I'm ready for this."

Jack placed his hand on his shoulder. "It's now or never."

Once they stood beside me, I couldn't help smile before taking hold of their hands, loving their warmth. The memory of almost  bleeding to death on the floor flitted into my mind, making my heart ache.

It had been too close.

"Are we sure about this?"

Jack was always capable of hiding his emotions, but I was holding his hand and could sense his heart quickening as mine did. I wasn't the only one filled with nervousness.

The wall beside us shimmered. Jezebel was the first to walk though the portal, followed by the others. Once everyone was through, Aaron, Jack and I followed suit, their hands still entwined with mines.

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