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Entwined Bloodlines

The rest of the walk, no one spoke one word, until we arrived at a beautiful meadow covered in flowers that seem to sparkle blue against the moonlight. Jack stood in the center and the flowers circling him vanished as an act of magic. He motioned for every to stand closer and we did, then the ground was moving.

As we descended into the earth, I glanced up to see the opening closing. When the heat returned with vengeance, I clung to my mother, trying my best to not let out any sound, but when I lifted my gaze I meet enchanting eyes that belong to the only person now who was affected.

Catherine had explained that after a marking, the she-wolf went into heat for a couple of days. The difference now was that it was more intense and only he felt it. When he moved one foot forward, his sister grabbed his arm and shook her head.

Mother grabbed my arm and Lana as we followed everyone else through the large corridor alined with closed doors. Jackson assigned everyone a room, unlike in the compound vampires and werewolves slept in the same corridor. There was no division.

I walked into my room and jumped in the bed when I spotted it and let out a small growl. "This is agony."

Mother sat down beside me and rubbed my arm. "I'm surprised he did not claim you on the spot."

"I'm glad he didn't." It would have been extremely awkward and wrong.

"Your love must be really strong for him to be able to calm down your heat with a simple kiss." She smiled. "Love like that is very rare."

I couldn't stop the big smile, but it didn't last as the pain intensified. I began to worry when my entire body ached and it shuddered. Mother stood and left me to only return a minute later.

Except she wasn't alone.

Just the sight of him seemed to turn me on.

"I'll be with Lana if you need anything." Mother left and closed the door behind her. He didn't move an inch, but I could tell there was an inner struggle. Those electric blue eyes kept switching to gold like an angry lightning storm.


At the sound of his name, his eyes were on me.

"Are you afraid of me?"

He smiled. "Of course not."

I reached out. "Then come here." He didn't move, so I let my hand fall. "What's wrong?" Another wave of heat and I bit my lip as a craving grew within me. Before I knew it, I was out of the bed and standing mere inches away from him.

When he tried to back away, I grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him closer, gaining a sexy growl from him. I covered his mouth with mine and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. The heat did begin to abate, but I wanted more. He grabbed my wrists when I began to unbutton his shirt. Eyes narrowed in bewilderment, I met his gaze.


"We can't?"

"What do you mean we can't?"

He let go of my hands and I was left speechless when he left. I sat down on the footboard of the bed, still trying to comprehend what had happened.

He had rejected me.

Tears accumulated in my eyes as I stood. Before leaving the room, I wiped them away. I had no idea where I was heading. Every couple of seconds, I would be forced to stop and lean against the wall as the heat returned.

At the end of the hall there was a large door and when I pushed it open, I found everyone there, while some conversed in what seemed like a large living room in an open concept, others were eating or serving themselves food.

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