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Author's Note: After much thought, I decided to share my original idea for this story. This is me writing whatever I want and just having fun with it. I understand that many will not like it and that's okay. You can continue reading the other version.

Read at your own risk.

This is a werewolf story, so yes, there is gore, violence, etc. This story contains SOME sexual content.




I STORMED INTO the study and slammed the door shut behind me. Jackson glanced at me from where he stood behind his desk. Beside him, Aaron was reading the book with all the original information about our species.

"Who did Annabel fell for in the sector?" I asked, not wasting time.

Jack met my gaze as he took a seat. "A human named Kevin...your ancestor."

Even if I had suspected it, it still stunned me into silence. When I glanced at Aaron, he didn't seem surprised as I thought he would be, but then again, he probably had suspected it the second he laid eyes upon me. "Why did you not tell me this before? Why hide it?"

"Because I was not certain. I confirmed it when I spoke to your mother."

"And when were you planning on telling me?"

"As you can tell, I have been really busy."

Why was I so furious?

I could feel myself slipping.

I met his gaze dead on. "It's been a month since then."

Aaron glanced at Jack, an unhidden smirk on his lips. Jack drummed his fingers on the desk, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Honestly, I thought it would be best if you didn't know."

"Did mother agree to this?"

Aaron set the book on the desk in front of Jackson. "I'll let you two talk."

Once Aaron had walked out of the study and shut the door closed behind him, Jackson rose to his feet, but did not come close.

"Why would it be best for me to not know the truth?"

He didn't answer me. It was a bit surprising how easily Aaron could just force him to tell the truth by a simple look, but I couldn't. Jackson was full of secrets, some perhaps I was better not knowing.

"Fine—Why did you mark me?" I asked him.

When he seemed confused, I moved my hair out of my neck. His eyes widened before he recollected himself.

"I told you—"

"Yeah, we were blood drunk my ass."

A small smile played on his lips. "That is far from a mark."

"Then why did Aaron react as if it was?" The words escaped my lips before I could stop myself.

Jack didn't seem to react as I expected, but his deep brown eyes did had flecks of gold in them. He picked up a pen and began to take notes on a notebook.

"Are you going to ignore me now?"

"I have many things to do."

With a growl, I moved forward and snatched the pen from him, snapping it in half by accident. Black ink stained my fingers as I flung it against the wall behind him.

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