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MY BACK PRESSED up against the wall as I tried to process the fact that I had to persuade a wolf to change back to his human form. How was I supposed to do that? I had to find a way, or my family would never receive the money.

"Do you—Do you have any idea how to bring him back?"

Nicolas shook his head, eyes filled with grief. "I'm sorry, but you must figure that out on your own. At first, I believed that perhaps changing you to look more like her would make him believe that you are Annabel. He would be furious once he found out the truth, but by then, I could have you give him something in his drink that would stop him from shifting back to his wolf form."

"That would be a horrible idea," Luke said, walking into the room from the bathroom with nothing but a towel around his midriff. The gold crescent moon in his chest, above his heart, made me narrow my eyes. "If you deceit him, it would only infuriate him even more. Perhaps even kill our little friend here." Not meeting my gaze, he gestured toward me.

At his words, my eyes widened.

Nicolas leaned his shoulder against the frame of the window. "We need a plan. He doesn't even leave his sanctuary. Perhaps his brother and sister were right. There is no longer hope of saving him from the darkness that has engulfed him." A long silence hung in the air before he spoke again. "It is best you take a rest. I'll wake you up when we are ready to leave."

He stepped closer to a large door across from the bed and placed his hand on the scanner. When the door slid open, a bright light illuminated the large room. What caught my attention the most were the gold-colored headboard engraved with elegant markings and the large gold chandelier at the center. Once he entered the room, the door slid closed behind him.

Eyes narrowed, I turned to face Luke. "Where are you sleeping?"

The corners of his lips lifted upward. "Here."

My cheeks flamed. "The hell you are."

"There is no need to worry. I'm sleeping on the sofa."

I scanned the room. "It must be an invisible sofa because I don't see it."

He inched closer to the wall beside the bed and placed his hand on it. Beneath his palm, the wall flickered green before it opened to reveal a hidden room with an elegant large sofa in the center and a large flat screen television. "Sure there is. Now, you should take a shower." He stepped into the room but didn't close it back up.

When I picked up my suitcase, I couldn't stop my gaze from averting toward him. That golden crescent moon above his heart looked familiar. Yes, Luke was the right hand of the Werewolf King, but that mark was from the vampire royals.

"Why do you keep staring at me?"

I unzipped the suitcase and pulled out one of my pajamas. "I wasn't staring." Grabbing hold of my undergarments, I raised my gaze to meet his deep brown eyes. "I wasn't staring," I repeated, my voice trembling. A second ago, he was in that small room. Now, he was so close that I could feel his warm breath on my lips.

"Aaron will truly like you." He stepped back, eyes still locked with mine. Finally, I was able to breathe normal again. "I don't believe it will take you long to force him to leave that room. Once he sees you, he will grow curious to know who you are, why you look so much like Annabel."

"Then it should be simple, right?"

He nodded. "Knowing my best friend, once he lays his eyes on you . . . he will never allow you to leave Bevelon."

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