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MY EYES FLUTTERED open for a brief moment then closed back up. When I tried to move my hands, I gave a grimace of pain as a burning sensation spread from my wrists to the rest of my body.

With a cry, I forced my eyelids apart to find myself on the cold floor of an empty room. Pain shot up my arms once again as I moved moved them, which were bound by silver chains that disappeared into the concert floor.

"I'm glad you finally decided to join us."

My eyes narrowed as the darkness around me didn't prevent me from catching a glimpse of more moving figures around me. Jack was the only one who stood in front of me right under the sunlight entering the room from a skylight.

Not wanting to look pathetic, I tried to stand, but my body shook and I crumbled to the ground like a doll with a soft thud. Pain racked through my limbs, making a soft whimper escape my lips.

"What have you done to me?"

He crouched down in front of me. "I have done nothing."

I pressed a hand against my chest, feeling an excruciating pain. A cry tore from my lips as every part of my body felt like it was being torn apart. I was too hot. Sweat glistened my body before it shook  against my will as if I was having a seizure, but then everything stopped.

"What's happening to me? What have you done!" I coughed, black liquid splattering on the floor beneath me.

"I have done nothing."

"Liar...I feel like I'm dying."

"You are."

My eyes widened as I stared at him. "The gunshot." I coughed again, holding a hand against my stomach.

"Do you know what that bullet was made off?"

I shook my head, feeling the floor beneath me begin to move 'round and 'round.

"Silver....and it is killing you slowly."

My eyes widened. "Why would silver affect me like this?"

"Because it seems that you, my are not fully human."

"You're out of your mind."

"Perhaps...but right now, I'm your only salvation."

Wide-eyed, I held his gaze then glanced at my shuddering arms.

"Did you know that every werewolf reaches full potential at the age of eighteen?" I remained silent. "Sometimes they lose their temper much easier...become aggressive. Have you felt like that lately?"

"Well, right now I do want to rip you apart."

He smiled. "A true Alpha indeed."


"It seems as if you are from an Alpha bloodline, not royal of course. If you were, the silver wouldn't be affecting you...Now, I understand why Nicolas chose you to be his son's pet...he must have seen it through your eyes."

"—you're lying."

"When a wolf turns eighteen...sometimes their body rejects the change."

I coughed again and again, feeling my insides on fire. Black liquid stained the torso of my gown, almost looking like ink. Shaking my head in disbelief, I forced myself to stand, ignoring the trembling of my legs and the sharp pain that threatened to devour me.

"I can save you."

"Go to hell."

A humorless laugh escaped his lips. "I tried to do this the nice way." When he grabbed my shoulders, I tried to fight him off, but I was too weak. A cry tore from my lips when sharp incisors tore through the skin of my neck, sending a burning sensation through my veins. My vision began to blur. I tried to fight it, but darkness engulfed me.

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