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  • Dedicated to Genesis G Sauce Rivera


"HELLO, KENDRA." THE man beside me smiled, a smile that seemed oddly welcoming. He looked through a couple of papers, then his eyes locked with mine. "Those eyes of yours are gorgeous. Why would you hide them behind the contacts?"

I swallowed hard and averted my eyes, not knowing if it was against the rules or not to make eye contact with one's master. "I thought it would help me to not be chosen, but clearly, it didn't." Why was I being honest? Why didn't I lie?

"When you speak, please make eye contact."

I immediately met his gaze, afraid that if I didn't, I would get terribly berated for it. "My apologies, Master."  I hated the word Master, but the papers I signed indicated that I was to address the one who chose me as such at all times.

He shook his head once again. "I'm not your master."

Eyes narrowed in confusion, I stared at him. "Then who are you?"

"Nicolas," he said simply before turning his attention to the papers. "Now that I can look into those eyes of yours without a barrier, I'm pleased that I chose you."

"You chose me, but you aren't my master? I'm sorry, but I'm confused."

When the limousine began to move, I glanced through the glass to find my family standing at the front door, clearly engulfed in an enormous pain. Lana ran toward the front yard, stopping beside the flower tree that we had planted when she was two years old. She waved goodbye to me and I returned it, then placed my opened palm against the class, feeling my heart clench with immense pain. I managed to force a smile, which she returned.

"There is no need to be disquiet about your family's wellbeing; they will be receiving a large amount of money monthly if you do everything I ask for."

I looked over my shoulder at Nicolas to meet his gaze before looking out the glass to see my home fading into the distance. The pain in my chest intensified as I leaned back against the seat, hoping that someday I would see them again.

"Luke will be informing you of everything once we arrived at Bevelon."

"But I thought I had to be dropped off in the building where you were supposed to pick me up. Why have you come personally to pick me up?"

"Because I wished to see with my own eyes if you truly did match her features as much as in that picture."

At his words, my heart skipped a beat. "Her features?"

He nodded. "Yes, the features of a girl I knew long ago. A girl that had won my son's heart."

Oh, I suddenly don't like where this is going.

"Do you believe in reincarnation, Kendra?"

I shook my head, not knowing what else to do.

"I do."

He placed the papers inside a folder before grabbing a briefcase that was beside his feet on the floor. He opened it, then placed the folder inside. He took a picture out, then handed it to me. With shuddering hands, I took it and was stunned at how much indeed the girl in the picture looked like me. She wore a beautiful golden gown, a beaming smile on her face. Beside her stood a dark-haired man with piercing blue eyes, which stood out against his sun-kissed skin. He somewhat looked like the one sitting beside me; except he appeared much, much younger.

"My similarity to her is nothing but coincidence."

He took the picture from my hands, then stared at it for a brief moment before placing it inside the briefcase. For a slight moment, the pain in his eyes tore right through me, but I remembered this was one of those creatures that I hated since I could remember.

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