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June 17, 2104


THE FACT ONE-HUNDRED of us were going to be chosen instead of one hit me hard in the face. Wide-eyed, I stared in disbelief at the young female who didn't look bothered at all. Wasn't she human, too? Didn't it perturb her a little that kids were being forced to register and might be chosen to become slaves?

She picked up a nail file from the top pile of papers on the corner of her desk and began filing her nails. "I don't understand why you all seem to be shocked by the decision of the Kings. You gained this by acting like savages."

I knitted my eyebrows together. Just because I didn't agree with their methods didn't mean that I didn't understand their reasoning for trying to overthrow the supernaturals. People were tired of being locked in the sector since the second they were born. There was so much our ancestors spoke about that no one had seen with their own eyes, such as the ocean.

They spoke of days where they walked down the beach with friends, laughing. They even went on hikes, others hunted animals as a sport. So much I myself never got to experience and I had to admit that part of me did crave it.

The freedom to go and do whatever I wanted with my friends and family.

"Savages? They were fighting for freedom!" I stepped closer and grabbed the piles of papers, throwing them at her. A loud screech escaped her lips as she lurched to her feet. "You are an embarrassment to your kind. You have been bought by them with luxury. Do you have children? How would you feel if they were chosen, raped and beaten to death!"

She laughed softly, sitting back on her chair. "You are blind and don't see the truth. You have never stepped out of the sector to know if those rumors are true or not. Guards!"

I was grabbed by the arms seconds after she called out to them and pulled back. She had to be insane. What truth could lie beyond those walls? There was nothing good about being chosen, nothing.

Nick lurched to his feet when he saw the guard pulling me out, but I shook my head, telling him not to worry, that I was fine. They pulled me down the steps toward the car, but I tripped over my own feet, taking them both with me.

Luckily, I landed on top of one of them. My eyes narrowed when I could feel a heartbeat underneath my palm. Eyes wide with shock, I looked up to meet his ruby eyes. This was a vampire. There was no way that he could own a heart. Everyone in the sector said that they were dead creatures.

"Could you help me here?" He asked the other guard. I was grabbed by the arm and pulled up. I managed to stand, staring at the vampire with curiosity.

The one who held me laughed softly. "Are you okay?"

The vampire nodded, fixing his suit. "Yeah." His gaze locked with mine. "Get in the car."

The door was already opened, and I hopped inside after being released by the other guard. Once the door was closed, I leaned back on the seat, hoping for the ride home to be quick.

When we arrived home, I headed straight to my room. Max sat in front of my bedroom door, waiting for me to open it. The second I pushed it open, he darted inside. One thing kept flitting through my mind as I stepped inside my room: I had to focus on finding a job so I could help my parents with everything. I didn't have any work experience, but perhaps I could find a job as a waitress or cashier. It wouldn't kill me to try.

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