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THE REST OF the day I spent it on Aaron's bed reading one of his books. One that had the words Werewolf 1.2 printed in gold bold letters on the cover with elegant twirls that intertwined to form the face of a howling wolf also in gold.

One of the books he had told me not to touch.

I decided to read it while I listened to music; when I told Jezebel I loved to listen to music, she went out and came back with a cd player. She said it that was difficult to find it because no one used portables cd players anymore—Of course in the sectors everyone used them.

As soon as I began to read, I realized this wasn't a story, but something like a book filled with information about werewolves. These were the sort of books he liked and not the romance novels Jezebel gifted him. My mother also loved romance stories and had many in the living room, which were all worn out that it surprised me they didn't break apart whenever she picked one up.

I couldn't understand why this was a forbidden book for me. Hell, everything I was reading in it, I was well aware of by now.

1. Master shifted whenever he wanted.

2. A rogue wolf was a wolf one should never trust because they have lost themselves to the lust for blood.

But then, the next stuff I was unaware of.

3. They were two types of werewolves. Those who were born, which could shift into a wolf; those who were bitten, who turned into large Lycans.

I was glad Aaron wasn't a Lycan because they were damn scary looking.

4. Lycans and Werewolves didn't get along at all.

5. It was said that a Werewolf or Lycan had a mate, someone that they would love and protect 'til death.

6. Once they chose a was for life.

I closed the book after reading about mates, how a single touch sent electricity through their bodies. I turned on my stomach and placed the book on the bed and shut it. For a brief moment, I stared at my small hands.


This couldn't be.

Trying to distract my mind, I began to sing softly; I didn't want Aaron hearing me. As I picked at the nail polish Jezebel made me put on because the color made my hands look more tanned and nice, I became too engrossed with singing the damn song.

When I turned my head toward the bathroom, my mouth froze half open and my eyes widened. With an enormous grin, Aaron stared at me; his shoulder leaned against the doorframe, arms folded across his bare chest.

Heat rushed into my cheeks as I sat up and removed the headphones. "How long were you standing there?"

"Not long."

Liar. "Oh really?"

He nodded and stepped closer. My breath caught when he reached toward me, but I was relieved when he grabbed the closed book behind me.

"Sorry, but I got bored and decided to read something while you bathed. You do take about an hour in there." I reached out and ran my finger along his arm, feeling that familiar shock. Eyes narrowed, I lifted my gaze to meet his.

"So, you like to sing too. Not only jog."

I stood up, feeling my heart start to beat faster in my chest. "I guess."

"You sing nice."

The heat rushing into my cheek intensified. "No, I don't."


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