V2: Chapter Thirty Four

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Once again, when Kendra attempted to leave the house, the guards stood in her way. With a growl, she whirled around to come face-to-face with Jack. He was insane—they both were—for thinking that she would stay at the pack house while her sister was out there, vulnerable to an attack.

"If I have to, I'll knock them all senseless."

The air around them blew in all directions, sending things flying all over. Jack didn't seem threatened at all as he stood there, a stern look on his face, deep brown eyes flickering amber. "You're acting like a spoiled brat."

"A spoil brat? That's my sister in the city--Our enemies can--"

In the blink of an eye, he had grabbed her wrist and yanked her to him. Her surrounding blurred for a moment before they stood in the middle of the bedroom, the force of the wind not only messing the bed and papers on the desk, but also almost slamming the closet door shut on Aaron's face. He managed to stop it, eyebrows knit together as his bright blue eyes flashed amber. "Seriously?"

Jack didn't even speak. He simply tossed her on the bed, evoking a frustrated growl from her lips as her nails changed to wolf claws. Of course, Jack returned it before Aaron placed a hand on his shoulder. "You two need to relax." 

"I'm a grown ass woman! If I want to live with my sister I will!"

Neither Jack or Aaron said a word, clearly waiting for her to calm down. She sat on the bed, running her hands through her hair. "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have lost my temper."

Aaron glanced at Jack, raising an eyebrow. A small smile tugged at Jack's lips as he said, "All is forgiven...I might have also lost my shit..." His smile grew from ear to ear to reveal dimples. "I'm still not letting you leave, though. I'm not trying to tell you what to do or not...I'm simply terrified of what can happen if you stay there another day."

She stood up from the bed, glancing at both of them. "I understand both of you, but that's my baby sister-- I can't be at ease with her in the city all by herself."

"We sent the team to keep an eye on her," Aaron stated as he began to get dressed. "But after the second attack, I'm ordering Vance to bring her back, even if he has to do so by force." 

Jack stepped closer to her, holding her gaze, eyes flickering amber then scarlet. Even after so many years, their proximity still created sweet tingles all over her body, made her heart accelerate. "We all have to agree on this decision."

For a brief moment, her eyes drifted to his tempting lips. "Okay---Even if Lana hates me for it, she is to be brought back here where I know she will be safe..."

Her heart spun out of control as he leaned closer, but stopped mere centimeters away. She knew both of her mates well to know that when Jack did not kiss her and stepped back, it was his form of punishment for her behavior early.

Their form of foreplay.

Which she loved.

Jack sat at the desk after picking up all the papers that had been scattered to the floor when they teleported into the room. Aaron finished buttoning his shirt and their eyes locked, a playful smile on his lips. When his cellphone began to ring, he answered. Kendra focused on her hearing, but she couldn't comprehend the language the other person spoke. However, she could tell it was Annabel speaking, sounding concerned.

Jack's gaze snapped toward Aaron, obviously understanding. "He can't do such thing."

Aaron hung up and hesitated. "Jack, shit is starting to get out of control. What is my father supposed to do then?"

Clearly, Jack had no answers.

"What the hell is going on?" When she noticed Jack's crimson eyes, she couldn't help but smile. Obviously, he was famished as she was. And she was about to use it to her advantage. Her fangs tingled with the thought of feeding on both of her mates, making her part her lips. Her eyes fluttered closed as she teased her mates with images. 

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