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ON OUR WAY to Bevelon, Luke and Nicolas showed me the files of everyone I would encounter in the house. While there were five humans who kept the house cleaned and cooked; eight took care of the garden and everything else outside.

So many people just for one house? Isn't it overboard?

The trees that loomed at either side of the road were replaced by an enormous city, filled with large buildings that appeared made from glass. As we went deeper into Bevelon, the large buildings were replaced by nature. At the distance, I could catch a glimpse of an enormous home that seemed made from white stone.

I leaned against the door, staring out the opened window of the limousine. "It's gorgeous. Everything is."

The trees swayed with the morning breeze. Within the forest, a burgundy wolf sprinting beside the limousine caught my attention. He glanced toward us, then moved to the left to avoid an oak tree. He shook his head, then picked up his pace, passing the limousine. My body jolted forward when it halted into a stop.

"Damn this boy," Nicolas said, slapping his hand against the scanner beside him. He stepped out, yelling something in a language I didn't comprehend. A mischievous smile on his face, Luke stared at me.

"Eliot seems curious to meet you."

I raised an eyebrow. "Then why not wait until I arrive? He almost caused an accident."

He returned his focus to the newspaper in his hands. "Eliot has a screw loose."

"Is he one of the devils I should watch out for?"

Luke shook his head. "He might be somewhat rude, but he is a kind boy."

Someone slammed shut the door Nicolas had left wide opened, making my eyes flinch. My heart pounded against my rib cage when the door opened and a young boy was shoved inside. He didn't meet my gaze, but the mischievous smile on his lips made my body tremble. Luke kicked the seat where the boy sat to gain his attention, then said something in the same language Nicolas had spoken minutes ago.

The boy seemed to freeze for a brief moment before turning his face toward me. I looked away, my heart beating so fast I was certain I would have a heart attack. When he leaned closer, I tried to move away, but my body was already pressed up against the door. My eyes narrowed when he inhaled as if taking in my scent. "Interesting."

"Boy, move," Nicolas said as he hit Eliot's shoulder. He scurried to the seat beside Luke. Nicolas entered the limousine and then the door slid shut.

"What was so urgent that couldn't wait?" Luke asked, not once raising his gaze from the newspaper.

"There was an attempt to hack into the system."

Luke lifted his gaze. "That is the fifth attempt this month."

"Now, it's not the time to discuss this," Nicolas said before looking out the window. "Once we drop Kendra off, we will hold a meeting."

"I might have told Aaron about the human."

"He allowed you to connect with him?" Nicolas asked, raising an eyebrow.

Eliot shook his head. "Of course not, Father, but I am not one to give up so easily. I must admit it took a lot of energy to break through his barrier, but I succeeded." He sounded extremely proud of himself.

"Does he know she looks like Annabel?" asked Luke.

Eliot shook his head once again. "I would never say that." His gaze locked with mine, those deep turquoise eyes framed by large lashes flickering gold. "Why does she smell like—" He squeezed his lips shut when his father shot him a look.

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