Chapter 31, Running out of time....

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*No one's POV*

"Anzu!!! Wake up please!!" someone screamed shaking the knocked out girl. Yugi was above her tearing up with Yami standing at the door with his arms folded. She finally started to wake up, tried to lift her head up but her body was weak. 

Yami knew what was going on, so he walked over there and placed his hand under her chin helping her to raise up to eye level. She looked tired, drained. Which didn't make sense to Yami because his body was not collapsing like her.

"S-Sorry guys, I just fell asleep..." Anzu muttered while not looking at the boys. She felt guilty, if one of them got killed because of her then she wouldn't forgive herself in the next loop. 

"We're still not doing something right," Yami said while putting Anzu's head down on the desk. "Yugi has lived just a little bit longer than my own attempts but we are on a lifeline that is almost gone. Something's not right here."

The three were all lost in their own thoughts, Yugi the most because he didn't understand it all with their lives being reset. Anzu had only just came into the picture as well so she shouldn't be this hurt. 

Also a cut was now starting to appear on her neck, no blood but there was a mark there. Maybe it was a warning? Yami hadn't checked his own body for a while, but the shocked face on Yugi when they were alone was enough to tell him everything. 

The boys got chairs and joined Anzu on the cameras, they wanted to be a little bit more careful. After all, from the damage Yami and Anzu had taken on; another loop might end them for good.

"I'll do the cooking today, Yugi look after her," Yami said as he got up. He stumbled a little as he moved but managed to plant a little kiss on Yugi's forehead before leaving.

"His eyes have changed Yugi," Anzu said as she lifted her head to put her arms under it. "The colour of them has changed me crazy but I don't see the bloodlust he used to have."

Yugi could only nod, from what he has been told from the other loops Yami has been cruel. Killing his friends cause of an accident was a little over the top, but he hasn't in this loop. Granted Anzu now knows about everything and could have stopped him but he thought maybe he didn't do it by himself.

A crash came from downstairs which forced the pair to run down, despite Anzu being in pain. Down the stairs and to the kitchen, they saw Yami completely covered in flour with some pots on the ground. 

"Ok....why would you, HAVE THIS WHITE POWDER HOLDING UP A STACK OF POTS!!!" Yami screamed as he sneezed with flour shaking from his body. Anzu and Yugi couldn't help but to laugh at Yami as they walked over and tried to dust him off. "I swear. You are not right in the head women."

"And you murdered for Yugi congrats sunshine, you are also not right in the head," Anzu said holding one arm to her waist. She knows Yami can not kill her, so she could almost get away with teasing him.

He was about to open his mouth before he sneezed again and Yugi told him to go and clean up. So Yugi and Anzu started to clean up the mess and continued with what Yami started. They were having fun with it, although Anzu was losing the strength in her legs. 

Dinner was made, turned out to be battered sausages with fries and tomato ketchup. Instead of starting while Yami was cleaning, they decided to set a table and wait for him. 

"Everything seems to be going fine, it's kind of never wracking," Yugi said putting his hand under his chin. 

Another crash came from above, this time it was louder.

"Maybe he just dropped some bottles or something. Be better to check on him," Anzu said as they both got up and made their way. While Anzu leaned against the wall, Yugi knocked on the door and walked in. He gasped, sprinted in and called for Anzu to go in. Yami was on the ground still dressed but holding his chest and struggling to breathe.

Yugi was ready to start crying but bit his tongue and got out his phone to call an ambulance. Anzu made a run for the cameras, to check for if anyone had attacked him. Rewinding the video, she didn't see anything.

"Anzu come help me!!" Yugi screamed and she tried to run back. But her legs gave up on her and she fell smacking her face on the ground. Her nose started to bleed, but that didn't stop her as she forced herself up and stumbled her way to the bathroom.

Yugi had got Yami off the ground and asked for her to help him take him downstairs as a ambulance operator stayed on the phone. Anzu joined them, and threw an arm around Yami and only then saw his face.

The cuts and bruises that were on his body had travelled up all over his neck and almost to his face. It was a horrifying scene, he looked like he was going to die. 

They got down the stairs and it was just a waiting game now, but the pair didn't sit down.

"This is it huh....another loop is gonna happen," Yugi muttered and finally let the water works out. "I'm going to lose you guys again and....and I-I probably wont be able to go through this again...."

"No, it's not another reset," Anzu spoke up. Yugi didn't bother to look at her but kept his eyes on Yami.  "We have worked far too hard for this loop to go down the drain. I won't let it happen."

Despite her words, she didn't believe it. Yami was struggling, bad. No amount of medical attention can heal time loops injuries. If the people can not understand fully with everything then no matter how long someone spend in education they can not get a answer for this. 

Blue and red lights started to come through the window as some paramedics came through the door. Taking Yami from their arms, he was rushed into the ambulance as they jumped into the car that also came.

"What are you two to the person in question?" the driver asked looking into the mirror to them. They answered, boyfriend and friend the driver was happy and smiled at them. "He is in the best hands possible, please have faith in us."

Anzu held Yugi's hand but it didn't calm him. Once they got to the hospital they couldn't see Yami as was rushed in. The pair got taken to a room that had glasses of water and blankets for them. 

Someone entered the place, the pair expecting it to be someone from the police but it wasn't.

"This is getting out of hand. So I now need to step in before someone who isn't supposed to die again does that," the man said and Anzu knew exactly who it was. "I think it's time you learned about the great and powerful Shdai."

Me thinks it's getting close to the end, much shorter than my other stories but hey oh. Let's see what happens in the human brain. 

Yami and Anzu are getting worse, their bodies are failing on them and now Shadi comes to them without knowing where they were? What's going to happen? Will he finally stop these loops and let everything go as they should?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, is so let me know down below and STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT ONE!!!

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